
ICMP Tunnel POC in python that demonstrates the communication between a C&C server and a remote agent

Primary LanguagePython


This POC will involve a C&C server and an agent. Where the C2 server will send the agent commands through an ICMP Tunnel and the agent will return the results, also, through the ICMP Tunnel.

Note that:

– This POC requires you to install Scapy (https://scapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html)

– This POC will not involve handling with fragmentation. Fragmentation will occur, for example, if the answer from the agent will be bigger then the allowed Payload Data size.

Learn more about ICMP Tunnel!

To understand the concept more clearly, you are welcome to visit the article I wrote - https://medium.com/bugbountywriteup/ping-power-icmp-tunnel-31e2abb2aaea