
AERX frontend implementation for the NEAR blockchain.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


aerx is a decentralized social media platform, where users can monetized their posts, create NFT contents, etc


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Getting Started

  1. git clone https://github.com/AERX-dev/aerx-frontend-near.git
  2. cd aerx-frontend-near
  3. npm install
  4. npm run dev


  • Nodejs
  • NPM

The project directories overview

Components Directory

  • Account Directory contains 2 files, ie. 1. Form for getting user data from client side and 2. Index for the entry point of our account components
  • Header Directory navigation
  • Landing Directory for the entry point of the application
  • Profile Directory contains profile of the registered user
  • UI Directory contains the reuseable components for cards and icon buttons

Pages Directory

  • This directory contains the main pages of our application. We have the following pages
    • Account
    • Flow
    • Profile

Contains our custom hooks. The IFPS hook helps placing content on through the ipfs gateway. More beautiful hooks are available 🖌️

Lib directory

  • This directory contains the following: 1. Auth 2. NFTContract 3. TokenContract 4. Configuration. Model which contains the PrfoileNFTMetadata

The auth file starts up an IPFS node, logs into the NEAR account and gives permission to the contracts. TODO:

  • to mint an NFT, you need to send the mint rquest from the nft-contract accountId.
  • That means it gets payed by the NFT account.
  • SHould we change that in the contract or just have it pay for the minting for now?


  • This directory contains all the languages we have set up. Easily translate the application across multiple languages


  • This is the public directory

Stores directory

  • This directory helps us manages state of the application with the help of the "create" method of "zustand" state management library

Built With

  • React
  • Styled Components
  • Next Translate
  • Zustand
  • IPFS Core
  • React Icons


Storyboard is set up following this tutorial and the chakra-ui settings.

Place your .stories.js in ./stories and Start the stroyboard server:

npm run storyboard

Browser side IPFS deployment

Deploy your files via a browserside local IPFS node. The CID and URI is returned on success.


