A movie ticket booking system.This project was undertaken to learn reactjs, AWS EC2 deployment.
This is a Movie Ticket booking system
Spring Boot
Rest api
How to run this application
Open the project in an editor and run ZomentumApplication.java
Make sure that sql server is running and also change the application.properties file with your sql server username and password.
Application will run at port 8080(localhost)
A nice detailed documentation of the apis can be found at Swagger Documentation
I have used swagger to prepare this documentation. You can also hit apis using this documentation page and get response.
Adding user to table User
User Table after adding two users
Since there were no users with this specific mobile number thats why ticket was not issued.A user has to be registered to buy tickets.
Successful registration of ticket
Since the booking time of movie is in past, therefore it is not a valid ticket
This is an update request to change the movie timing
An endpoint to view all the tickets for a particular time
An endpoint to delete a particular ticket
An endpoint to view the user's details based on the ticket id
I populated the ticket table 20 time using a specific time and hereafter it starts giving exception though the fields are valid, this is because no more than 20 tickets can be booked for a specific time
ticket is not valid if the booking time is in past