An Open-Source SaaS Progressive Web App created to manage personal budget and track expenses.
Live app:
- Manage own Expense Categories
- Manage own Income Categories
- Manage Accounts
- Create Expenses
- Create Accounts
- Automatic Account Balance Management based on Transactions
- Month status Dashboard
- Easy authentication using Google OAuth
- Internationalization (Currently supported languages are Portuguese and English)
- Firebase
- Typescript
- React
- Styled Components
- I18n
- Recharts
- Express
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm start
NOTE: This command should start both the backend (Firebase Functions) and the frontend (React App). Since the local environment is using the Firebase emulator, it might take a few seconds until all the services (Auth, Firestore and Functions) are ready to use. It might be necessary to refresh the page a couple of times in order to be able to use the whole app normally.
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="path/to/firestore-service-account.json"" npm run migrate
Any contribution is more than welcome! Feel free to open an issue or a PR.