Phone-Usage data gathering server

Ruby on Rails server application that gathers data about the amount of time spent on the mobile device.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes.


To run the Phone-Usage server on your local machine, you will need:

  1. Development was done on Ubuntu 18.4 and the following tutorials are made with that in mind
  2. Ruby 2.5.1 and Rails
  3. Postgres execute steps 1 - 3 at step 3 create a superuser role named dev with password dev and a database named phone-usage-server_development
  4. $ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running:

  1. clone this repo and locate your terminal to phone-usage-server dir
    $ git clone
    $ cd ./phone-usage-server
  2. install project dependencies:
    $ bundler install
    $ bundler update
  3. execute migrations and seed the data
       $ rails db:seed
  4. start the server $ rails server


Application is deployed to: Deployment is executed automaticlly when pushing to the Github repo.
