
A Go-Based Synack Mission Bot

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mBot (A Go-Based Synack Mission Bot)

This mission bot contains functionality for onboarding, claiming missions, Discord notifications, and auto-relogin.


If you want to get the most use out of mBot, you should follow the steps below to get a Discord bot token and Authy secret. These will allow you to both receive notifications and automatically log back in to the platform should your bot session get disconnected.

Discord Setup Instructions

  1. To get your Discord bot token, you will need to follow the steps at https://www.writebots.com/discord-bot-token/.
  2. Once you have your Discord bot token, add the CHANNEL_ID and DISCORD_TOKEN to config.json.

Authy Configuration

  1. To get your Authy Secret, you will need to follow the instructions at https://github.com/alexzorin/authy.
  2. Once you have your secret, add the AUTHY_SECRET to config.json along with your EMAIL_ADDRESS, and PASSWORD for Synack.


Option 1: Download the Packaged Binary

You can download the latest release from https://github.com/Un4gi/mBot/releases (This is by far the quickest option if you don't want to deal with installing Go).

Option 2: Install Using Go

Installing with Go is simple:

go install github.com/un4gi/mBot@latest

Option 3: Building From Source

If you prefer, you can build mBot straight from the source directory:

git clone https://github.com/Un4gi/mBot.git
cd mBot
go build .



mBot -t auth_token_here -d 30

For help, use the -h flag:

mBot -h
Flag Description Example
-d Specifies a delay between polls (to please Synack) mBot -d 30
-t Passes your Authorization: Bearer token to the bot mBot -t <auth_token_here>

Mission Templates

Good news... mBot now allows auto-population of the Intro/Testing Methodology/Conclusion fields for each claimed mission!

That's great... but how do I do it?

It's simple, really!

  1. Store your templates as JSON files in the templates/ folder
  2. Link the mission title to the template file in mission/templateMap.go.