Lilith Lurker is a simple yet very powerful overlay meant to ease the process of finding Altars of Lilith in Diablo4
- 2
Overlay misplaced
#5 opened by THenkeDE - 1
Not displaying on my screen anywhere
#9 opened by SC7639 - 3
Overlay missplaced
#6 opened by TrueOsiris - 1
other timers possible?
#8 opened by vierzwanzig - 1
[Enhancement] Overlay placement and size
#7 opened by sajro94 - 4
No node is in the right place
#4 opened by NoNameTrademark - 4
- 2
Enhancement Request: checkable altars
#2 opened by TrueOsiris - 1
Enhancement Request: scramble process name
#1 opened by TrueOsiris