
DayZ-based loot-eating sim.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


DayZ-based loot-eating sim.


This is "Squarenarus" not Chernarus+. This is not based on actual gameplay. The simulation assumes players are dumb drones that make a bee-line for their goal destination. Also, there's no where where loot collects, like towns with lots of buildings. Loot spawns randomly across the entire square.


Light green circles are "goal" areas where the blue "players" randomly choose to head towards when they spawn on the coast (bottom and right edges of the image.

Brown dots are "food" that the players need to live longer. Otherwise the player starved to death and a black dot is left behind.

The map is a flat square where loot can spawn anywhere randomly.

In this simulation, I have tried my best to replicate all the loot spawning rules of the 0.55 persistence system as described here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223307-central-economy/


Less sped-up version here (also a shorter loot lifetime): http://www.gfycat.com/AmazingIncredibleHarrierhawk


  • There's definately more food where player's havent been.
  • A lower loot lifetime keeps loot from being too rare in high-traffic areas.
  • Too low of a lifetime makes loot more likely to despawn when players are in the vicinity.
  • The balance between calories food gives you, calories burned, loot lifetime, loot distribution, and starting hunger is difficult to achieve.
  • There does exist a "barrier of death." Players either don't get enough food and die in it, or they pass it and thrive beyond it.