
Kolmafia script written in ASH to add various interfaces for mimic eggs from the chest mimic.

Primary LanguageAGS ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Kolmafia script written in ASH to add various functions and commands for mimic eggs from the chest mimic. It also contains relay override scripts that will modify the "Mimic DNA Bank" and "Differentiate this Egg" pages to make the drop-down menus searchable, and disables donating eggs that it knows are already maximally donated. A list of maximally donated eggs is maintained in order to help prevent donating eggs that are no longer needed for cases when when the list is unavailable on the Mimic DNA Bank page itself.


Can be installed via the KoLmafia CLI:

  • git checkout https://github.com/C2Talon/c2t_megg.git master



When imported, the following functions can be used:

boolean c2t_megg_donate(monster)

  • used to donate as many eggs of monster to the Mimic DNA Bank as it can
  • will not donate eggs that it knows are already maximally donated
  • monster can be omitted to donate random eggs
  • returns false only on some critical failure

boolean c2t_megg_extract(monster)

  • used to extract a mimic egg containing monster from the Mimic DNA Bank
  • returns true on success, false on failure

boolean c2t_megg_fight(monster)

  • enter a fight against monster from a mimic egg
  • will not automate or run the fight for you
  • returns true if left in combat from the mimic egg, false if not

boolean c2t_megg_preAdv()

  • put this in a pre-adventure script to maintain the data file that helps to not donate eggs that are already maximally donated
  • will run only when the chest mimic has enough experience to be able to see the data
  • by default, it will only try to update the data file 30 minutes after the last successful update this function did; this limitation can be changed by changing the c2t_megg_timeLimit preference using minutes
  • returns true only if the max egg data file is updated

boolean c2t_megg_update()

  • tries to update the max egg list if able, without the time restrictions of the pre-adventure function
  • returns true only if the max egg data file is updated

boolean[monster] c2t_megg_maxed()

  • returns a map of monsters that are maximally donated, as read from the data file

int[monster] c2t_megg_eggs()

  • returns a map of monsters inside the mimic eggs the user has, and how many of each, by parsing the mafia preference containing mimic egg contents


All of the above functions can also be accessed via the CLI. The list of commands and a short description of what each does will be displayed with the following:

  • c2t_megg help

Relay override scripts

When visiting the Mimic DNA Bank in the relay browser, the maxed egg list will be updated automatically if able. The script will also clean up names of monsters by removing the articles from the beginning of the names, disable the ability to donate eggs that are already maximally donated, and make the drop-down menus searchable on both the "Mimic DNA Bank" and "Differentiate this Egg" pages. Examples can be seen here:


The cleaning behavior of the relay script can be enabled or disabled via the CLI:

c2t_megg relay <on|off>