
Repository for CET-B Hacktoberfest


Scheduled Date, Time

Date: 3rd October, 2020

Time: 5.00pm-8.15pm

5:00 PM Introduction | Opening remarks | Speakers Introduction | Ice Breaking Session

5:15 PM Insights into Hacktoberfest | Talk on Hacktoberfest. | What is Hacktoberfest? And how it will benefit? | Sign in to Hacktoberfest.

5:25 PM Introduction to Open-source | What is open-source? | Why open-source?

5:45 PM Understanding Git & Github | What is Git? | What is Github?

6:35 PM Basics Workshop | How to start contributing? | Creating pull-request. One who does first, gets a prize; plus three more pull-requests to get a t-shirt.

8:15 PM Wrapup