
Search this list of OSINT Practitioners and learn about OSINT, it includes numerous, blogs and tutorials.


On this page you will find links to useful, tools, technqiues & tradecraft, that have been provided by OSINT-Practitioners.

Some websites offer paid for services but you will find free content too.

You will find that OSINT Practitioners have areas of speciality, Nixintel is very good at Geolocation & Website OSINT. Sector035 is also very good at Geolocation as well as the more technical side of OSINT. Technisette is very good at Facebook & Snapchat. DutchOsintGuy is very good at finding people. Webbreacher is very good at building OSINT tools and has a vast knowledge across a wide range of OSINT due to his background in training. So choose wisely my friends.

List of OSINT Practitioners and Medium Blogs.

OSINT Practitioners
Medium Blogs