
Platform independent device driver for NRF24 radios.

Primary LanguageC


Platform independent library for NRF24 radios.

Purpose of this library

Work with NRF24 radios with "any" microcontroller, the user will only need to provide up to four callbacks.


Here you can find some use examples:

STM32 (Using HAL)

/* Callback to control the CE signal */
void nRF24_ce_write(nrf_gpio state)
    if (GPIO_CLEAR == state) {
    } else {
    	HAL_GPIO_WritePin(CE_GPIO_Port, CE_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);

/* Callback to transfer/read data via SPI to/from the radio */
void nRF24_default_spi_xfer(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, const size_t xfer_size)
    uint32_t timeout_ms = 1000 * 5;
    uint8_t *for_radio = (uint8_t *) in;


    HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&hspi1, for_radio, out, xfer_size, timeout_ms);

    while (HAL_SPI_STATE_BUSY == HAL_SPI_GetState(&hspi1)) {
    	/* Wait for the SPI data transfer to be finished. */

    HAL_GPIO_WritePin(SS_GPIO_Port, SS_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);

/* Radio "object" */
nrf_radio radio;

int main(void)
    /* Peripheral initialization */

    /* Registering user callbacks
     * read_irq_cb is not used so we set it to NULL */
    NRF24_radio_init(&radio, nRF24_default_spi_xfer,
	nRF24_ce_write, NULL, HAL_Delay);
    /* Using the library */
    uint8_t sts = NRF24_get_status(&radio);
    printf("Status: 0x%02X\r\n", sts);

    uint8_t addr_width = NRF24_get_address_width(&radio);
    printf("Address width: %d\r\n", addr_width);

    uint8_t channel = NRF24_get_channel(&radio);
    printf("Channel: %d\r\n", channel);
    /* More code */

Unit tests

This repository has always worked for me as a playground, right now I'm adding Unit tests to it using cpputest.

For you to be able to run the unit tests you should have a copy of cpputest on your machine and export the environment variable CPPUTEST_HOME pointing to the root of the cpputest directory, then run make on the root directory of this repo.


v0.1 Public release, a lot to document.