- Install ESP-IDF: http://esp-idf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Get this projects:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/littlevgl/esp32_ili9431.git
To link LittlevGL (lvgl) and lv_examples with ESP-IDF you need to add a component.mk file to each directory.
Next to this REAMDE file you find two component.mk files:
- lvgl_component.mk
- lv_example_component.mk
Rename lvgl_component.mk to component.mk and move it to the lvgl directory, then rename lv_example_component.mk to component.mk and move it to the lv_examples directory.
- If you are not in the project's diectory:
cd esp32_ili9431
- Build the project:
- Upload the application to your board:
make flash
This project comes with an ILI9341 display driver and an XPT2046 resistive touchpad driver. Both devices are communicating via SPI.
The default pinout is:
Name | Pin |
MOSI | 13 |
SCLK | 14 |
CS | 5 |
DC | 19 |
BCKL | 23 |
RST | 18 |
You can modify the pin configuration in drv/disp_spi.h
and drv/ili9341.h
For ILI9341 HSPI is used.
The default pinout is
Name | Pin |
MOSI | 32 |
MISO | 35 |
SCLK | 26 |
CS | 33 |
IRQ | 25 |
You can modify the pin configuration in drv/tp_spi.h
and drv/spt2046.h
For XPT2046 VSPI is used
There is another development kit with only 30 GPIOs available:
For ILI9341 HSPI is used, modify the pin configuration in drv/disp_spi.h
#define DISP_SPI_MOSI 13
#define DISP_SPI_CLK 14
#define DISP_SPI_CS 15
and drv/ili9341.h
#define ILI9341_DC 2
#define ILI9341_RST 4
#define ILI9341_BCKL 21
For XPT2046 VSPI is used, modify the pin configuration in drv/tp_spi.h
#define TP_SPI_MOSI 23
#define TP_SPI_MISO 19
#define TP_SPI_CLK 18
#define TP_SPI_CS 5
and drv/spt2046.h
#define XPT2046_IRQ 25