
Give root access in your termux !! Safe

Primary LanguageShell


This is not like linux real root

  • Root is an automated tool which help you to gain to access of fake root privileges and real root privileges without rooting your device. You don't need to install any other OS to gain the root privileges in your termux. This tool(ROOT) is specifically made for termux and termux users.

Screenshot_2023-01-20-10-50-37-511_com termux Give root access in your termux !! Safe

installing in termux :

  • apt update -y
  • apt upgrade -y
  • git clone https://github.com/C4ssif3r/termux-root/
  • cd termux-root
  • chmod 777 main
  • or
  • chmod +x main

  • ./main

    • wait for INSTALLi . . .

Fake ROOT privilege ?

U can give FAKEROOR Privilege in termux woth only type ↓:

  • fakeroot


  • root


  • cd termux-root

  • chmod 777 uninstall.sh

  • ./uninstall.sh

    • now wait for uninstalling . . .
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