
Live Server


Databae Schema

Databae Schema

Fegma Design

Figma Link

User Stories:

  • You can browse the products that we have.
  • You can search for products by category, price and title
  • You can buy products
  • You edit your cart by updating product quantity.
  • You can remove products from your cart
  • You can signup new user.
  • You login to the website.
  • You need to login to view cart page.

How to install the project on the local machine

  • You can click the code drop-down menu as illustrated in the picture above and copy the link to clone the repo.

  • Now go to your terminal and type: git clone <the link here> and then the repo will be cloned to your local machine.

  • By now you have to open your IDE -I recommend VSCode- and open the project.

  • Now you need to run the command npm install to install all the dependencies.

  • After that you should setting up the database follow the steps :

    1. Connect to postgres, by typing psql or pgcli in the terminal.
    2. use these commands to create your database
      CREATE DATABASE db_name;
      CREATE USER user_name WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'password';
      ALTER DATABASE db_name OWNER TO user_name;
    3. Add a .env you can see example.env to get idea of what you need to write.
    4. Copy build.sql path .../server/database/config/build.sql and run this command in terminal \i [build.sql path].
  • to open a live page from your local machine project, you can run the npm run dev command which will open a live server to work with.

  • Happy Coding!

Technologies that I used

  • HTML5.
  • CSS3.
  • JavaScript.
  • Nodejs.
  • Express.
  • PLpgSQL.
  • React

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