A key generator for Hive that lets you generate a custom public key through brute force.
git clone github.com/CADawg/hive-vanity-key-gen
cd hive-vanity-key-gen
go build
# All settings are optional, defaults are:
# Default string: "Hive"
# Default file: None (Console output)
# Default case sensitivity: false
./hive-vanity-key-gen [desired string] [file to save in] [true if case sensitve search, otherwise blank or false]
Setting case sensitivity to true will require a much longer amount of time than a case-insensitive search.
Public: STM5heLLoLgyx4F7SVCmaDzRE2uy7SxkBzBULR6yZkrhrsiYRhy4f
Private: 5**************************************************