
because you haven't bought a license for v4 yet

BeyondCompare Chocolatey Package

###Forked from https://github.com/shiftkey/chocolatey-beyondcompare Updated to seek out the latest Version 3 download, for those who haven't upgrade their license to Version 4. Perhaps it would have been easier to just upgrade the license, eh?

Original ReadMe by @ShiftKey... but with a 3 at the end of the name in step 4.

This is the code I use to publish the BeyondCompare package to Chocolatey.

It's actually really easy.

  1. Follow the instructions on chocolatey.org to setup Chocolatey
  2. Clone this repository and navigate to the folder in Powershell
  3. cpack to create the package
  4. cinst beyondcompare3 -Source *"full-directory-path"* to install it locally

And you're done!

BeyondCompare3 has been updated! Help!

When a new release of BeyondCompare is out in the wild, there's two different ways you can help out:

  1. Raise an issue so I can track it in my GitHub notifications
  2. Submit a pull request with the necessary changes

It's not a hard task to update, just repetitive. So if you want to see it happen quicker, you can get involved!