
Minimizing the Costs in Energy Consumption of a Data Center

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Minimizing the Costs in Energy Consumption of a Data Center



I will build an AI to minimize energy consumption of a single server.


In 2016, DeepMind AI minimized a big part of Google’s cost by reducing Google Data Centre Cooling Bill by 40% using their DQN AI model (Deep Q-Learning). I will do something very similar. I will set up our own server environment, and i will build an AI that will be controlling the cooling/heating of the server so that it stays in an optimal range of temperatures while saving the maximum energy, therefore minimizing the costs. And just as DeepMind AI did, our goal will be to achieve at least 40% energy saving.


We saved over 50% of energy


  • python training_earlystopping.py
  • python testing.py