
This repository contains code recipes to demonstrate how to access CAIDA's swift containers using various methods.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains code recipes to demonstrate how to access CAIDA's 100G passive pcap data using various methods.

Clone the repository into an environment that has a minimum of 2TB of disk space

git clone https://github.com/CAIDA/100g-passive-tools.git


In order to access CAIDA's swift server, a swift_config.ini file will have to be configured in the repository directory, using the AWS S3 credentials provided in the confirmation email (aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key).

Note: One can use the following config file template to get started: swift_config-example.ini


Each one-directional anonymized pcap file, captured monthly, can reach up to approximately 1TB in size, so users will need more than 2TB of space to download the entire one-hour capture.


Refer to the following Wiki Page to troubleshoot commonly found errors.

Access Methods

Note: Refer to the requirements.txt file to install the dependencies needed for the recipes.

AWS SDK (boto3)

Note: This method requires a swift_config.ini file to be configured, and assumes you've installed boto3 locally.

Refer to the following recipes to download or list out files for a given capture, 100g-anon_download-objects.py and 100g-anon_list-objects.py


Note: This method requires your ~/.aws/credentials file to be configured, and assumes you've set up AWS CLI locally.
For installing instructions, reference AWS Documentation.

aws_access_key_id = 
aws_secret_access_key = 

List out files in the 100g-anon-pcap bucket/container

aws s3api list-objects --bucket 100g-anon-pcap-{year} --endpoint-url https://hermes.caida.org --output text

Note: --output {text|json|table}

Download a file in the 100g-anon-pcap-{year} bucket/container

aws s3api get-object --bucket 100g-anon-pcap-{year} --key monitor=100g-01/mon=05/date=20240523-210000.UTC/20240523-210000.dira.stats --endpoint-url https://hermes.caida.org --output text 20240523-210000.dira.stats