Abstract Specification on Time

This repo is for the OGC Temporal Domain Working Group to develop an Abstract Specification for Time to be part of the Abstract Specifications, described in more detail in OGC Abstract Specification Topic 0

The current OGC standards generally refer to the ISO documents such as ISO 19108, and their freely available OGC equivalents, such as Abstract Specification Topic 2 Referencing by Coordinates.

Much effort over decades has gone into establishing complex structures to represent calendar based time, such as the ISO8601 notation, and many date-time schemas. Because of this effort, many people use calendar based "coordinates", with the attendant ambiguities, imprecision and inappropriate scope.

The aim of the document is to establish a clear terminology, so that people are clearly aware of the advantages and disadvantages of adopting a particular technological approach and then perhaps help build better interoperable systems.

The current draft documents available from the following locations:

  • Charter (draft) in HTML, PDF, and Word formats.
  • Abstract Specification (draft) in HTML, PDF, and Word formats.

About this document

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