
Errors When Library Attempt to Access Upgrades and Unselected Subscriptions from Prior Years

Closed this issue · 3 comments

This was first pointed out to us by Lake Forest College this morning. When attempting to masquerade as them and access Fiscal Year 2018 Upgrades and Unselected products they (and we) get the following error message:

Unknown error
Cannot read property ‘filter’ or undefined

I just tried again and was able to access the FY18 pricing. But for all other earlier periods I receive the error messages. There were also times when a report would populate but it contained the FY18 products and pricing (when the request was not for FY18 data).

As it includes pricing data I will email a screen capture so you can see the results of attempting to retrieve data for any period other than FY18.

@CClennon I looked into this, but I couldn't reproduce the error on my local copy or on the test server. So I assume it's a problem with the data. It would be helpful to get test reset to production. Should I ask Gordon to do that or ask him to enable me to do that?

Turns out this is a duplicate of #52 which has already been fixed but not yet pushed to production.