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This docker image was based on the bgruening/docker-galaxy-stable:16.04 and was developed for the European Hospital Georges Pompidou (HEGP). This project is based on docker-compose and on the docker in docker deployment facility.

This project uses 7 docker containers :

  • Galaxy: A bioinformatics analysis management platform, managing tools and pipelines
  • DataManager/analysisManager: a web interface to faciliate an automatized NGS analysis
  • PostgreSQL: A database that contains the analysis manager database
  • ReGaTE: to generate the annotation of tools using the EDAM ontology
  • Redis server: used by the analysis manager to generate cron job
  • DockerTools2Galaxy: to generate galaxy xml file from a docker image.

The following instructions will describe the prerequisites, installation and the deployement of the system.


  • OS:
    • Recommanded: Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits
    • Kernel 3.13.0-79-generic (if not changed. Processes could generated java defunc/Java zombie process)

The Kernel change is strongly recommended for production platform, not need for development purpose. Please see the section kernel change for more information.

Install docker

wget https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo/pool/main/d/docker-engine/docker-engine_1.12.3-0~trusty_amd64.deb 
dpkg -i docker-engine_1.12.3-0~trusty_amd64.deb 
rm docker-engine_1.12.3-0~trusty_amd64.deb 

Install docker-compose

curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.12.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > docker-compose 
sudo cp docker-compose /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Manage Docker as a non-root user

Add the docker group if it does not already exist:

sudo groupadd docker

Add the connected user "$USER" to the docker group. Change the user name to match your preferred user if you do not want to use your current user:

sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker

Either do a newgrp docker or log out/in to activate the changes to groups. You can use

docker run hello-world

to check if you can run docker without sudo

Folder mapping

  • bin : contains the main scripts generating the Analysis manager
  • templates : contains some templates needed by the scripts in the bin folder
  • config : contains the main configuration files
  • data : contains temporary files needed for the docker-compose generation
  • test_data : contains the files needed by the AnalysisManager
  • images : contains template images for samtools used as material for the dockertools2galaxy tutorials
  • dockertools2galaxy : contains the scripts needed for the tool dockertools2galaxy
  • interactiveShiny : contains interactive shiny environment used by Galaxy
  • tools : contains the tools used by Galaxy
  • ReGaTE : the regate docker configuration files
  • data-manager-hegp : the data-manager and analysismanager main script
  • img : location of images used by this readme
  • logs : contains Analysis Manager logs

Exposed Port

Docker port mapping association

Ports reads as:

host port:docker port
Ports Usage
8123:80 Galaxy Web app
9010:8000 Analysismanager
5005:5000 local registry connection (not connected)
8021:21 transfert data to galaxy via FTP protocol
8800:8800 handle Galaxy Interactive Environments
6379:6379 Redis server
5432:5432 Postgre Database

Firewall ports opening

Ubuntu 14.04 check port states

ufw status

Open Galaxy ports

sudo ufw allow 5432 
sudo ufw allow 9010
sudo ufw allow 8123
sudo ufw allow 5005
sudo ufw allow 6379
sudo ufw allow 8800
sudo ufw allow 8021

Automated installation

Local configuration

  • All configuration files are located on the folder config.

Start to edit the file

vi ./config/configDataManager/GlobalVariables.py

and define all the main variables such as http_proxy and the serverName

  • Go to the folder bin. It contains all the templates file Generator to automatize and faciliate as much as possible the Analysis Manager Deployment.
cd bin
  • Run the following scripts
#to clean all configuration files 
sudo sh cleanAlldata.sh
#This script will build the image of two samtools galaxy tools and build the 
#tool.xml file associated 
sudo sh 0_generatestoolconfig.sh
#This script will build the generate the configuration file needed to Galaxy 
#and the Analysis Manager
sudo bash 1_generatesConfigurations.sh

Generating the containers

  • Go back to the main folder with the command and build the project with docker-compose. It will take a certain time.
cd ..
sudo docker-compose build

Starting the system

  • Before you start Galaxy, be sure that all the port are open (cf. the section related to the port opening).

Please note that the whole process takes around ten minutes. The regate container waits 5 minutes after the launch of webgalaxy container.

Run the application with:

#Start all the containers
sudo docker-compose up -d
#To see the logs run
sudo docker-compose logs -f

#to go  inside the container
docker exec -it galaxydocker_webgalaxy_1 bash 
#if a new build is performed to clean tmp files generated go to bin and run
cd bin
sudo sh cleanTmpdata.sh

Using the platform

Start Galaxy and the use the Analysis manager.

  1. Follow the Installation section to know how to run Galaxy and the Analysis manager. When the Galaxy Instance is ready, Register a new Galaxy user in the login section


  1. To access the Analysis Manager in the tool panel performed a left click on the link Automatic Analysis. You will be send to the Analysis Manager interface. (It take 5 minutes more for the Analysis Manager to be ready.)


  1. In the Home page you can directly run example. Just click on the start buttton. In the Downloads page, you can update the number and backup a specific run. Our work is able to connect to an Ion Torrent sequencer.


How to use a Shiny environment

  1. You need to be log in Galaxy.
  2. Load a tabulate file and it will be available
  3. Make a left click on the *Vizualize" Button and select Shiny. (The first time it will appear after 2 min the download of the docker image takes some times) shiny

How to install a Shiny environment

The Shiny environment is Dockerised and come from the rocker/shiny image

  1. Copy the folder interactiveShiny in the folder /galaxy-central/config/plugins/interactive_environments/. Inside the config folder you can found :
  2. interactiveShiny.ini.sample : where you define the dockerized Shiny app that you want to use. Here we use for demonstration purpose the rocker/shiny image. We suggest you to use this image as base for your Shiny App. Furthermore, this image need to be reachable from the Galaxy container.
  3. interactiveShiny.xml: In this file you define for which input your Shiny environment will be available.
<!DOCTYPE interactive_environment SYSTEM "../../interactive_environments.dtd">
<interactive_environment name="Shiny"><!--The button name of your app -->
            <model_class>HistoryDatasetAssociation</model_class><!--The data for which your Shiny app will open -->
            <test type="isinstance" test_attr="datatype" result_type="datatype">tabular.Tabular</test>
            <test type="isinstance" test_attr="datatype" result_type="datatype">data.Text</test>
            <test type="isinstance" test_attr="datatype" result_type="datatype">binary.RData</test>
            <to_param param_attr="id">dataset_id</to_param>
        <param type="dataset" var_name_in_template="hda" required="true">dataset_id</param>
    <template>interactiveShiny.mako</template><!--The template use to start your app -->
  1. In the templates folder, interactiveShiny.mako you define how the data are mounted inside your Shiny app.
CNVdata = ie_request.volume(hda.file_name, '/srv/shiny-server/data/inputdata.txt', how='ro')
  1. To finish you need to add a cron job docker-cron to your Galaxy container in order to preserve your resources. The Shiny app is not fully recognize by Galaxy and need to be clean as reported by ValentinChCloud. He proposed to use is Shiny app which will exited the container after 60 secondes of inactivity. We wanted to add also a cron job to delete containers which are still present, until a better solution is found. You need to provide both the app name and the duration of the app. In our cases the Shiny app is killed after 300 seconds of activity.

Optaining the reproducibility logs

Log into postgresl

psql  -h "yourservername" -p 5434 -d "analysismanager" -U "postgres"

Execute the following queries

-- first command
select  job_create_time, job_user_email_id,job_tool_id_id,job_params,job_inputs
from sequencer_usercommonjobs;
-- second command
FROM sequencer_workflowstools_inputlist as inpp, sequencer_supportedfiles as supp
WHERE inpp.supportedfiles_id = supp.id;
id workflowstools_id supportedfiles_id id dataHandle dataDescription dataFormatEdamOntology

the table of the genome was obtain by parsing the file hegpGenomes.loc which contains our reference genome. it is the only file present on the tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample

(Optional section) Manual installation

Build a galaxy xml with dockertools2galaxy

  1. Download the image biocontainers/samtools:1.3.1 with
sudo docker pull biocontainers/samtools:1.3.1
  1. Go to the folder images/inspectTest and look at the Dockerfile. We define some variables in order to directly generates the xml tool for Galaxy from define environment Variable inside the Docherfile. Follow the instruction in the README.md file of dockertools2galaxy. To go further, we build the image and save the configuration to a file with the following command.
cd images/inspectTest
sudo sh build_image.sh
sudo docker inspect samtools_idxstats
  1. In the folder dockertool2galaxy the python script will take as input the inspect.out and build a tool.xml file. Run the following command to perform this operation.
cd dockertools2galaxy/
python dockertools2galaxy.py -i ../images/inspectTest/inspect_samtools_idxstats.txt -o ../tools/samtools_docker/samtools_idxstats/samtools_idxstats.xml
python dockertools2galaxy.py -i ../images/multiInput/inspect_samtools_bedcov.txt -o ../tools/samtools_docker/samtools_bedcov/samtools_bedcov.xml

Technical considerations

Change Linux Kernel

Download a specific kernel version

#due to generation of zombie process need to change the java kernel 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
#sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chiluk/1533043
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y linux-image-3.13.0-79-generic linux-image-extra-3.13.0-79-generic

Set an “older” kernel as default grub entry (source: StakeOveflow)

#due to generation of zombie process need to change the java kernel 
sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.bak

Then edit the file using the text editor of your choice (ie. gedit, etc.).

sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
##kernel 4.2.2 --> 0
##Kernel --> 1>2 (the one you want)

Finally update Grub and reboot your server/machine

sudo update-grub
sudo reboot