
move py files out of subdirectories?

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our strategy so far has been to create different subdirectories for each subcommand

I think this actually has disadvantages (see below), so I'm proposing moving them into one shared directory: the parent directory, haptools/

disadvantages of the current approach

  1. imports of the modules become longer, more complicated, and potentially more confusing
    • this may pose challenges to us when we try to import different modules into our own code
    • but it will also make it more difficult for users of our python library to import our code into theirs
  2. It makes it more difficult to separate the docs from the code. I think it might be bad practice to package docs together with code because it adds unnecessary size to the final package
  3. It is not standard. So it may be confusing to new developers who try to contribute to our project
    • for ex: usually, when you create different subdirectories within a package, you are indicating that each subdirectory could function on its own as a separate package
    • but this is, in fact, very different from what we intend, since some of the modules import from others outside of the subdirectory

advantages of the current approach

I'm not as familiar with the advantages of the current approach. I was hoping we could discuss them here, so that I can understand them?

  1. it helps organize subcommands together with the documentation for it