MATRIX (but nicer 😎)

First thing first

npm install

For husky activation

npm run prepare

Init the Vite server

npx vite

Check the test stuff

In order to test, open another terminal window and then use the following

npm run test

How it works

Is the same matrix you have to build, but created in a sugar nicer way ✨✨✨

I'm using all the knowledge you gathered along the course (nothing strange or weird, I promise)

Nice explanation

First, we need to gather the .csv data in a way we can handle.

//Fetch the data
let game: MapElem[][]; //this variable will represent our matrix along the code
p.setup = () => {
  fetch("../data/map.csv", {
    //the path of our local file
    headers: { "content-type": "text/csv;charset=UTF-8" },
    .then((raw: any) => raw.text()) //transform the raw data into string
    .then((data: string) => {
      //here we have access to the data in string format
      //as we have access to a bunch of chars and commas, we need to transform it to objects
      game = data.split(/\r?\n/).map((chunk: string) =>
        chunk.split(",").map((obj: string) => {
          //According to the value we set the object type
          //At this point, the posx and posy does not matter at all, I will set that later
          switch (obj) {
            case "1":
              return new Wall(0, 0);
            case "3":
              return new Player(0, 0);
              return new Ground(0, 0);

Before we continue, there is an important notion to settle down

We need to get track

const getPlayerReference = (_game: MapElem[][]) => {
    const playerRow = _game.findIndex((l: MapElem[]) => l.find((j: MapElem) => j instanceof Player));
    const playerIndex = _game[playerRow].findIndex((j: MapElem | Player) => j instanceof Player);
    const player = _game[playerRow][playerIndex];
    return { playerRow, playerIndex, player };

Now, in the draw is where the nice stuff happens

  p.draw = () => {
    const { player } = getPlayerReference(game);
    for (let i = 0; i < game.length; i += 1) {
      for (let j = 0; j < game[i].length; j += 1) {
        game[i][j].setX(j * 20);
        game[i][j].setY(i * 20);
    if (player instanceof Player) {
      player.getBullets().forEach((bullet: Bullet, bulletIndex: number) => {;
        if (bullet.getX() > 500) {
        const callBack = (row:number, col: number) => {
          game[row][col] = new Ground(0, 0);
        bullet.shoot(callBack, game);