
Minimum viable generators on stable Rust implemented by abusing async/await

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Compiler support: requires rustc 1.65+

What is genoise?

genoise implements generators (a weaker, special case of coroutines) for stable Rust. Instead of using #![feature(generators, generator_trait)] and the yield keyword, "extra-unstable" features in the Rust compiler, async/await syntax is used.

Common use cases are:

  • Defining iterators with self-referential states without writing unsafe code.
  • Building state machines like it’s imperative code and leaving the compiler do the rest.

What is a generator?

A generator control the flow of three types of data:

  • Yield type: Each time a generator suspends execution, a value is handed to the caller.
  • Resume type: Each time a generator is resumed, a value is passed in by the caller.
  • Output type: When a generator completes, one final value is returned.

Here is an example taking advantage of this:

use genoise::local::{Gn, Co};
use genoise::GnState;

async fn my_generator<'a>(mut co: Co<'_, usize, bool>, input: &'a str) -> &'a str {
    let mut trimmed = input;

    while co.suspend(trimmed.len()).await {
        trimmed = &trimmed[..trimmed.len() - 1];


let argument = "1234567890";

let mut generator = Gn::new(|co| my_generator(co, argument));

// A generator does nothing when created, you need to `.start()` it first
assert!(matches!(generator.start(), GnState::Suspended(10)));

// Once started, you can pass in data and resume the execution using `.resume(…)`
assert!(matches!(generator.resume(true), GnState::Suspended(9)));
assert!(matches!(generator.resume(true), GnState::Suspended(8)));
assert!(matches!(generator.resume(false), GnState::Completed("12345678")));

Why genoise?

  • Low maintenance: genoise is a zero-dependency crate. There is no need to release a new version of genoise solely for transitive dependencies.
  • Lightweight: genoise consists of only a few hundred lines of code and does not rely on procedural macros.
  • Doesn’t attempt to use reserved keywords: there are no yield_ or r#yield in its API.
  • Concise and simple: there is more example and test code than actual library code. You can read and grok its source code in just a few minutes. The most challenging part is GeneratorFlavor, which relies on GATs (Generic Associated Types).
  • Supports continuation arguments and completion values.
  • Provides allocation-free generators at user’s option.
  • Genericity over the GeneratorFlavor: Write once, use everywhere.
  • No standard library: genoise is a no-std crate, and the alloc feature can be disabled.
  • Not a concurrency framework or async runtime: genoise does not aim to replace tokio or smol, and it does not contain platform-specific code.

Why not genoise?

  • You prefer an API closer to the actual generators available on Rust nightly.
  • You are writing performance-sensitive code, and need to use the generator in a tight loop. genoise has not been bencharked and will probably slow down your program. Outside of a tight loop the cost is likely negligible.

Flavor comparison

[local::StackGn] [local::Gn] [sync::StackGn] [sync::Gn]
Allocations per instance 0 2 0 2
Can be returned No Yes No Yes
Thread-safe (Sync + Send) No No Yes yes

"local" here is used like in thread-"local".

Constructing a heap-flavored generator requires two allocations:

  • A memory slot to share the yield and resume values
  • A memory slot for the Future-based state machine

Stack-flavored generators are relying on "local pinning" for the underlying Future, and the memory slots for the yield and resume values are standard &T references pointing elsewhere, most likely to a local memory region. As such, in most cases these generators can’t be returned from functions. However, it’s generally not a problem to transfer the ownership as long as the new owner does not outlive the memory slots.

Unsafe usages

TODO: expand on this

Safety blocks are properly documented.

  • noop RawWaker
  • SyncRefCell (~= kind of spinlock but without spinning)

Allocation-free example

TODO: elaborate this section

use genoise::local::{StackGn, StackCo, let_gen};
use genoise::GnState;

async fn my_generator<'a>(mut co: StackCo<'_, usize, bool>, input: &'a str) -> &'a str {
    let mut trimmed = input;

    while co.suspend(trimmed.len()).await {
        trimmed = &trimmed[..trimmed.len() - 1];


let argument = "1234567890";

let_gen!(generator, |co| { my_generator(co, argument) }); // <- let_gen! helper macro

assert!(matches!(generator.start(), GnState::Suspended(10)));
assert!(matches!(generator.resume(true), GnState::Suspended(9)));
assert!(matches!(generator.resume(false), GnState::Completed("123456789")));

Flavor-agnostic example

TODO: elaborate this section

use genoise::{local, sync};
use genoise::{GnState, Co, GeneratorFlavor};

async fn my_generator<'a, F>(mut co: Co<'_, usize, bool, F>, input: &'a str) -> &'a str
    F: GeneratorFlavor,
    let mut trimmed = input;

    while co.suspend(trimmed.len()).await {
        trimmed = &trimmed[..trimmed.len() - 1];


let argument = "1234567890";

    // Local stack-flavored
    local::let_gen!(generator, |co| { my_generator(co, argument) });
    assert!(matches!(generator.start(), GnState::Suspended(10)));
    assert!(matches!(generator.resume(false), GnState::Completed("1234567890")));

    // Local heap-flavored
    let mut generator = local::Gn::new(|co| my_generator(co, argument));
    assert!(matches!(generator.start(), GnState::Suspended(10)));
    assert!(matches!(generator.resume(false), GnState::Completed("1234567890")));

    // Thread-safe stack-flavored
    sync::let_gen!(generator, |co| { my_generator(co, argument) });

    std::thread::scope(|s| {
        s.spawn(|| {
            assert!(matches!(generator.start(), GnState::Suspended(10)));
            assert!(matches!(generator.resume(false), GnState::Completed("1234567890")));

    // Thread-safe heap-flavored
    let mut generator = sync::Gn::new(|co| my_generator(co, argument));

    let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || {
        assert!(matches!(generator.start(), GnState::Suspended(10)));
        assert!(matches!(generator.resume(false), GnState::Completed("1234567890")));


Relation with Iterators

A generator which does not take any value when resumed nor returns any value on completion is also an Iterator:

use genoise::local::{Gn, Co};

async fn fibonacci(mut co: Co<'_, u32, ()>) {
    let mut a = 0;

    let mut b = 1;

    while b < 200 {
        core::mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b);
        b += a;


let generator = Gn::new(fibonacci);
let fibonacci_sequence: Vec<u32> = generator.collect();
    [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233]

Note that calling size_hint on a generator will always return (0, None) since there is no way to know how many items will be yielded by the generator. Some generators may never terminate at all (it is advised to not call collect on these).

Alternatives to genoise

  • genawaiter: Stackless generators on stable Rust
  • next_gen: Safe generators on stable Rust
  • generator: Stackfull Generator Library in Rust
  • remit: Rust generators implemented through async/await syntax
  • gen-z: Macro-free stream construction through asynchronous generators via an awaitable sender
  • corosensei: A fast and safe implementation of stackful coroutines
  • may: Rust Stackful Coroutine Library
  • mco: Rust Coroutine Library like go


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.