
Code for our CVPR2021 paper coordinate attention

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Coordinate Attention for Efficient Mobile Network Design (preprint)

This repository is a PyTorch implementation of our coordinate attention (will appear in CVPR2021).

Our coordinate attention can be easily plugged into any classic building blocks as a feature representation augmentation tool. Here (pytorch-image-models) is a code base that you might want to train a classification model on ImageNet.

Note that the results reported in the paper are based on regular training setting (200 training epochs, random crop, and cosine learning schedule) without using extra label smoothing, random augmentation, random erasing, mixup. For specific numbers in ImageNet classification, COCO object detection, and semantic segmentation, please refer to our paper.

Comparison to Squeeze-and-Excitation block and CBAM


(a) Squeeze-and-Excitation block (b) CBAM (C) Coordinate attention block

How to plug the proposed CA block in the inverted residual block and the sandglass block


(a) MobileNetV2 (b) MobileNeXt

Some tips for designing lightweight attention blocks

  • SiLU activation (h_swish in the code) works better than ReLU6
  • Either horizontal or vertical direction attention performs the same to the SE attention
  • When applied to MobileNeXt, adding the attention block after the first depthwise 3x3 convolution works better
  • Note sure whether the results would be better if a softmax is applied between the horizontal and vertical features

Object detection

We use this repo (ssdlite-pytorch-mobilenext).

Semantic segmentation

We use this repo. You can also refer to mmsegmentation alternatively.


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