
CAJA shared dependencies

Primary LanguageHTMLOtherNOASSERTION

A2J Deps

This repo is part of the A2J Author Project which consists of four repos...
3. A2J Document Automation Tool - https://github.com/CCALI/a2jdat
4. A2J Dependencies - https://github.com/CCALI/a2jdeps

A2J Deps is a set of shared javascript CanJs 4.x components and utils for A2J Author, A2J Viewer, and A2J DAT.


Use the npm package manager to install A2J Deps.

npm install @caliorg/a2jdeps


In your javascript:

import '@caliorg/a2jdeps/alert/'
// or in can-stache
<can-import from="@caliorg/a2jdeps/alert/"/>

In your stache file:

  <app-alert open:from="true" alertType:raw="warning" class="demo-notice">
    For demonstration and testing purposes only. Not intended for use by the
    public. This A2J Guided Interview will not generate a form.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
