
Experimental docker dev setup for CALI A2J Viewer + DAT

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

CALI A2JViewer + DAT + PHP Docker Development Environment project

This is an experimental demo of a guided interview that producest documents and does post processing using a Dockerized version of the A2J Viewer https://github.com/CCALI/a2jviewer/ + A2JDAT https://github.com/CCALI/A2JDAT/ + php 7.2. This project dockerizes version 2.0.0 of the DAT. It includes wkhtmltopdf, node 8.9.4, and the CALI DAT source.

NOTE: By downloading this application, you are agreeing to the terms included in the user license LICENSE.md.


Docker 18

Built on

Built with docker 18.09 on Mac High Sierra.


1.) download this repo and navigate to that location in a terminal.

2.) Then run docker-compose up --build

3.) Open a web browser and navigate to localhost:53080/a2j-viewer/viewer

4.) select the default A2J Guided Interview (R)



You can use the uploader demo tool at /a2j-viewer/viewer/ to upload guides published from author or simply unzip the guide to public_html/a2j-viewer/guides


If run with the link generated with the upload tool the demo-a2j-guided-interview interview will use public_html/a2j-viewer/viewer/answers.php to process posted answers. Feel free to edit or change this code as you wish. Any php code in public_html and subdirectories is runnable.

To use different processing code, you can either change the setDataURL in viewer.html or launch with the setDataURL query parameter set to point to your code. An example of this looks like: www.example.org/a2j-viewer/viewer/viewer.html?templateURL=../Guides/someguide&setDataURL=mysaveanswers.php

A basic example for saving data is provided in /a2j-viewer/viewer/SetData.php and can be run by opening a browser going to localhost:53080/a2j-viewer/viewer/viewer.html?templateURL=../guides/demo-a2j-guided-interview/Guide.xml&fileDataURL=../guides/demo-a2j-guided-interview/&setDataURL=./SetData.php. Data will be stored in private_web as data.xml.

after running the above, can be loaded with the getDataURL query parameter:


More info

To find out more about A2J Viewer, A2J DAT, and A2J Author® please see our website, www.a2jauthor.org

For questions, contact Tobias Nteireho at tobias@cali.org