
DNAnexus custom applets and workflows

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DNAnexus Workflows

This repository provides access to a set of pipelines developed by CCBR members to analyze NGS data on DNAnexus. They allow a user to process raw data starting from FastQ files to reach common endpoints for downstream analysis such as a list of annotated mutations, a set of annotated peaks, or a raw counts matrix for differential expression analysis.

Table of Contents

  1. RNA-seq
  2. ChIP-seq
  3. DNA-seq

1. RNA-seq

Overview of the RNA-seq pipeline:

  1. FastQC: a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data, written by Simon Andrews at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge. It provides a modular set of analyses which can be used to give a quick impression of whether your data has any problems of which you should be aware before doing any further analysis.
  2. Cutadapt: a tool to find and remove adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high-throughput sequencing reads. Cutadapt is being used to remove adapter sequences.
  3. FastQ Screen: a tool to screen a library of sequences against a set of sequence databases so one can see if the composition of the library matches with what is expected.
  4. STAR: an ultrafast splice-aware RNA-seq aligner.
  5. RSEM: quantifies gene and isoform expression levels from RNA-Seq data.
  6. MultiQC: aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report


RNA-seq Workflow
Center for Cancer Research
Collaborative Bioinformatics Resource

usage: dx run ccbr_RNA-seq_WF [-iARG_NAME=VALUE ...]

  Input Fastq File Array: -iFastqFiles=(file) [-iFastqFiles=... [...]]
        Please provide a series of paired-end FastQ files:
            -iFastqFiles=sample1.R1.fastq.gz -iFastqFiles=sample1.R2.fastq.gz
            -iFastqFiles=sample2.R1.fastq.gz -iFastqFiles=sample2.R2.fastq.gz

  Reference Files for each Genome: -iReferenceFiles=(file)
        Genomic Resource file: 'genome2resources.tsv':
            See Example (file-Fjvv3100xx3f7J4p7fKFz907)

  Version of STAR to use for alignment: '2.6.0a' or '2.7.0f' [default]: [-iStarVersion=(string, default="2.7.0f")]
        Choices: 2.6.0a, 2.7.0f

        Version of STAR to Run: '2.6.0a' or '2.7.0f'. Optional Argument.
            Default is set to latest supported verison of STAR: '2.7.0f'.

  Reference Genome: -iRefGenome=(string)
        Reference Genome: Needed for dynamically resolving the correct reference files.
        Choices: [mm9, mm10, mm10_M18,
                   hg38, hg38_v28, hg19,
                   hg38_HPV16, hg19_KSHV,
                   hs38d1, hs37d5, Mmul_8.0.1]
	Note: mm10 was built using M21 GENCODE annotations and hg38 and hg38_HPV16 were built using version 30 GENCODE annotations.

Running the RNA-seq Workflow
module load DNAnexus # or download dx-toolkit and add to $PATH

dx login # optional step (if you have not logged in the last 30 days)
         # prompt will ask for Username and Password
         # select this Project: 'CCBR_RNASeq_Pipeline'

# Data upload (optional, if data not on DNAnexus)
## Assumes data exists in present working directory
dx upload control_1.R1.fastq.gz --destination=/Testing/
dx upload control_1.R2.fastq.gz --destination=/Testing/
dx upload treatment_1.R1.fastq.gz --destination=/Testing/
dx upload treatment_1.R2.fastq.gz --destination=/Testing/

# Run the RNA-seq Pipeline
## Supports mm9, mm10 (M21), hg38 (v30), hg38_HPV16 (v30), hg19, hg19_KSHV, hs38d1, hs37d5, Mmul_8.0.1
echo "Y n" | dx run /Workflow/ccbr_RNA-seq_WF \
  -iFastqFiles=/Testing/control_1.R1.fastq.gz \
  -iFastqFiles=/Testing/control_1.R2.fastq.gz \
  -iFastqFiles=/Testing/treatment_1.R1.fastq.gz \
  -iFastqFiles=/Testing/treatment_1.R2.fastq.gz \
  -iRefGenome=hg19 \
  -iReferenceFiles=file-Fjvv3100xx3f7J4p7fKFz907 \
  --destination=/Testing/Example/ \

For more detailed documentation about RNA-seq and the pipeline, please checkout our user documentation page.

2. ChIP-seq


Running the ChIP-seq Workflow on DNAnexus

Step 0.) Log into DNAnexus

module load DNAnexus # module is available from helix/biowulf
dx login # optional step (if you have not logged in the last 30 days)
         # prompt will ask for Username and Password

Step 1.) Upload data to DNAnexus

# Assumes your FastQ files exists in your present working directory on biowulf/helix
# In this example, we will be uploading the data to a directory called /Testing/tmp/ on DNAnexus
# The directory must exist on DNAnexus prior to uploading data
# Here is the command to create a new directory:
dx mkdir /Testing/tmp/

# Upload files 
dx upload input_rep1.R1.fastq.gz --destination=/Testing/tmp/
dx upload treatment_rep1.R1.fastq.gz --destination=/Testing/tmp/
dx upload input_rep2.R1.fastq.gz --destination=/Testing/tmp/
dx upload treatment_rep2.R1.fastq.gz --destination=/Testing/tmp/

# Optional: If you want to take a peek at the data you just uploaded, you could run something like this:  
dx ls -la /Testing/tmp/

# To see all the dx commands available and get more info about them run:
dx help all

At the current moment, there are two ChIP-seq workflows on DNAnexus:

  1. ccbr_chipseq_pipeline_single_end_two_replicates
  2. ccbr_chipseq_pipeline_single_end_no_replicates

In this example, we will walk through how to run the ccbr_chipseq_pipeline_single_end_two_replicates workflow, but keep in mind, the process is very similar for the no replicates workflow.

Note: Both of these workflows support the following reference genomes: mm9, mm10, hg19, hg38.
The –-destination argument is the pipeline’s output directory on DNAnexus (if this directory does not exist, it will created it). Please make sure you filenames end with “.R1.fastq.gz” ~ similar to Pipeliner.

To get more information about any pipeline, you can run the following: dx run pipelinename -h

dx run ccbr_chipseq_pipeline_single_end_two_replicates -h

Step 2.) Run the ccbr_chipseq_pipeline_single_end_two_replicates pipeline on DNAnexus

## Pipeline supports mm9, mm10, hg38, hg19
echo "Y n" | dx run ccbr_chipseq_pipeline_single_end_two_replicates \
  -iInputFastqRep1=/Testing/tmp/input_rep1.R1.fastq.gz \
  -iTreatmentFastqRep1=/Testing/tmp/treatment_rep1.R1.fastq.gz \
  -iInputFastqRep2=/Testing/tmp/input_rep2.R1.fastq.gz \
  -iTreatmentFastqRep2=/Testing/tmp/treatment_rep2.R1.fastq.gz \
  -iGenome=mm9 \
  -iGenome2Resources= file-FXbpk100vbJF4qX02FV3F6K2 \
  --destination=/Testing/tmp/Test_SE_2R_mm9/ \

3. DNA-seq


Under Constuction: Coming Soon!


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