Informationen zum Projekt

Dies ist die Map vom Chaos Computer Club Göttingen.

Unsere Map

Screenshot. Screenshot. Sreenshot.

WorkAdventure Map Starter Kit

This is a starter kit to help you build your own map for WorkAdventure. On the Github repository page

Das Projekt klonen

Um das Projekt zu klonen ist ein Git Client erforderlich.

git clone

Wenn du mit Git nicht vertraut bist würde sich der Github Desktop Client eignen.

Tools you will need

In order to build your own map for WorkAdventure, you need:

  • the Tiled editor software
  • "tiles" (i.e. images) to create your map (this starter kit provides a good default tileset for offices)
  • a web-server to serve your map (this starter kit proposes to use Github static pages as a web-server which is both free and performant)

Loading the map in Tiled

The sample map is in the file map.json. You can load this file in Tiled.

Now, it's up to you to edit the map and write your own map.

Some resources regarding Tiled:

Pushing the map

When your changes are ready, you need to git add, git commit and git push the changes back to GitHub. Just wait a few minutes, and your map will be propagated automatically to the GitHub pages web-server.

TODO: describe how to push

About CCC Workadventure maps

here is an overview