- Clean Registry Script : Clean all images in the docker registry
- Post Install : Common post installing steps
- Configure Infra : Configure worker node to infra node
- Configure DNS : Configure DNS for OpenShift prerequisites
- Configure LB : Configure LB for OpenShift prerequisites
First, you need to open the delete features in docker registry
vim /etc/docker-distribution/registry/config.yml
Add storage.delete.enabled = true
enabled: true
Restart the registry
systemctl restart docker-distribution
Run scripts
make clean_registry
The script will do following things
- Configure bash completion for OpenShift
- Add a default user
Run scripts
make post_install USER={username} PWD={password}
Run scripts
make configure_infra
You need to configure the config.json for your environment
Run scripts
make configure_dns
You need to configure the config.json for your environment
Run scripts
make configure_lb
- Smoke Test for checking DNS, LB, Internet connection ...etc
- EFK Install
- Service Mesh Install
- Create install_config.yaml
- CoreOS installer automation