
Recording/processing/uploading system - CCExtractor+Red Hen.

Primary LanguageVueOtherNOASSERTION

Recording Monitor


This guide for the redhen server (depends on paths and environment).

  1. Download the latest unav-recordingmonitor-bundle-x.x.x.tgz from GitHub Releases
  2. Extract to the /home/redhen/recordingmonitor
  3. Add the following line to crontab (why use exec): */15 * * * * root exec /bin/bash /home/redhen/recordingmonitor/scripts/public/start.sh
  4. DONE!

cron will ensure that app is running (and start it when necessary) every 15 minutes. cron restart is not required.

It it a rough file-tree structure (correct for version 0.1.3):

├── recordingmonitor
│   ├── recordingmonitor       // yes, it's recordingmonitor in recordingmonitor
│   │   │
│   │   ├── array.so                   // \
│   │   ├── base_library.zip           //  \
│   │   ├── xxxxxxxx.so                //   * - 3d-party libraries
│   │   ├── ...........                //  /
│   │   ├── binascii.so                // /
│   │   │
│   │   ├── recordingmonitor           // MAIN BINARY (recordingmonitor again)
│   │   ├── unav                       // UI and other app dependencies
│   │   │
│   │   └── scripts                    // \
│   │       └── public                 //  \
│   │           ├── channels-create.sh //   * - script helpers
│   │           └── start.sh           //  /
│   │
│   ├── log                            // log files
│   │   └── recordingmonitor.log
│   │
│   ├── recordingmonitor.sqlite        // DB
│   ├── recordingmonitor.yml           // config file
│   │
│   └── tmp                        // working directory, with capturing results
│       └── maintenance
├── unav-recordingmonitor-bundle-0.1.3.dev0.tgz // - original package
└── software                   // \
    ├── ccextractor            //  * - external utilities
    ├── multicat               // /
    └── ...

Using PIP and package

  1. download package unav-recordingmonitor-0.0.1.tar.gz (use the latest version, plz)
  2. install pip install unav-recordingmonitor-0.0.1.tar.gz
  3. run RecordingMonitor OR python3 -m unav.recordingmonitor
  4. open in your browser

Script will automatically create its DB (internal storage) -- recordingmonitor.sqlite

Using Docker


First, you need to get an image (it is private). You could download it (not implemented yet) or build (see development section of this guide)

Having image locally you can run a container:

docker run --rm --name mon unav/recordingmonitor`

Some settings can be set through environment variables. But it is possible to mount configuration file from host machine.


Time zone

Time zone could be set in the configuration property scheduler.tz with fallback to 'UTC' time zone.

Applicable values are described in the documentation for PyTZ module:



Create virtualenv (run once):

virtualenv env/recordingmonitor

Enable virtualenv:

source env/recordingmonitor/bin/activate

Install dev-dependencies:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


  1. Create a branch: git checkout -b dev/my-feature
  2. Edit files
  3. Commit changes: git commit -m 'config: my changes'
  4. Lint: python -m flake8
  5. Test: python -m pytest

Send to upstream:

  1. Rebase (to keep history clean): git rebase upstream/master
  2. Push to your fork: git push origin
  3. Create PULL REQUEST and wait for acceptance!

Client UI

Client UI is a Vue-application (javascript framework).

To rebuild client UI you will need:

  1. Install Node.JS (version >= 4.0.0)
  2. go to sources (cd client) and install dependencies: npm install

It is very useful to connect Python and JS parts by linking Vue-app as a static asset:

# run from the root folder of the local git-repo
ln -r -s ./client/dist ./unav/recordingmonitor/web/ui/dist


Create PyPI

To create new package run:

python setup.py sdist

The result -- unav-recordingmonitor-X.Y.Z.tar.gz file in the /dist folder.

Build new PyInstaller bundle with Docker image

To create a new version of a pre-built bundle you will need a Docker image for building. For the first time you could create it (locally) with this command:

cd docker/pack-centos6
docker build -f Dockerfile --tag unav-recordingmonitor-packer .
cd ../..

Now you can use this image to create the bundle. It is easier than it sounds. Just run the command (from the root folder of the repository):

docker run -u `id -u` --rm -v `pwd`:/pack unav-recordingmonitor-packer

This will run temporary container (--rm option). This container will run the bundling-commands inside. As a result, you will get a new shiny package ./dist/unav-recordingmonitor-bundle-X.Y.Z.tgz

PS: we use docker image because it has the appropriate environment, the most important thing - old glibc, installed on the unav server.

Several observations about bundle version:

  • during build process the appscheduler lib will be patched (see section below)
  • bundle is a result of running PyInstaller (see section below)

fix apschedule

Without this fix bundled version of the app will not work.

Fix APschedule __init__.py (inside site-package), use this content:

# These will be removed in APScheduler 4.0.
release = '3.3.1cf' # __import__('pkg_resources').get_distribution('APScheduler').version.split('-')[0]
version_info = '3.3.1cf' # tuple(int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in release.split('.'))
version = __version__ = '.'.join(str(x) for x in version_info[:3])

Original solution: agronholm/apscheduler#158 (comment)

run pyinstall

pyinstaller -y --log-level=WARN pyinstaller/recordingmonitor.spec

OBSOLETE: build Docker image with installed recordingmonitor

OBSOLETE: nobody will use docker for running this app :(

You need to have targzipped package in the /dist folder (see Publish new version section of this guide)

!! don't forget trailing dot !!

docker build -f docker/recordingmonitor/Dockerfile -t unav/recordingmonitor .



Service: ping

curl -X GET

Service: pid

Almost the same as about/ping but returns PID of the main process.

curl -X GET


Channel: list

curl -X GET

Channel: create

curl -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "name": "TVE1",
        "ip_string": ""


Job: list

curl -X GET

Job: create

curl -X POST \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "name": "rick and mortie",
        "date_from": "2017-12-02T17:40:00+0500",
        "duration_sec": 15,
        "repeat": {
          "interval": {
            "minutes": 1,
            "date_trim": "2017-12-02T17:45:00+0500"
        "template_name": "capture",
        "channel_ID": "d327c73c-1577-42d4-843c-ec494425cec4",
        "job_params": {
          "ftp_host": "",
          "ftp_user": "user",
          "ftp_password": "123"


  • Maksim Koryukov


GPLv2 - part of CCExtractor and RedHen projects