
TV show specific dictionaries, for spelling corrections

Show Specific Dictionaries for CCExtractor

This repository is a collection of show specific dictionaries that CCExtractor can take as an argument to explicitly specify the letter case for the words in the dictionary appearing in extracted subtitles. CCExtractor also has a generic 11,000 words dictionary located in /Dictionary directory.


Use --capfile /path/to/file/ or -caf /path/to/file/ parameter of CCExtractor to pass the dictionary. This parameter adds the contents of 'file' to the list of words that must be capitalized.

For example, if file is a plain text file that contains


Whenever those words are found they will be written exactly as they appear in the file.

So from

             THIS ROBE, ALAN

you get

             THIS ROBE, Alan

This is generally used in conjunction with --sentencecap or -sc which tell ccextractor to follow the typical capitalization rules, such as capitalize months, days of week, etc.

Thus, using them together gives

             You better respect
             this robe, Alan.

Instructions to Create Dictionaries

  • Lines starting with # are considered comments and discarded.

  • Use one line per word.

  • Naming convention is dict _showname.txt.

  • The words in dictionary must be in lexicographical order (dictionary order).

  • The words in dictionary that are found will be written exactly as they appear in the file, so this is needed to be kept in mind.


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News & Other Information

For more information visit the CCExtractor website: https://www.ccextractor.org


GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)