

The primary objective of the Customer Segmentation project is to utilize data analysis for categorizing customers into distinct segments based on their individual characteristics and behaviors. This segmentation facilitates the customization of marketing strategies and offerings, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and overall business performance.

Dataset Overview and Data Preprocessing

To ensure precision in results, a comprehensive dataset containing consumer information, encompassing demographics, purchase history, and browsing patterns, is employed. Rigorous preprocessing is conducted to address missing values, normalize data, and eliminate outliers. This meticulous process guarantees that the data is pristine, dependable, and well-suited for analysis.

SQL Queries for Analysis

The analysis relies on a set of potent SQL queries. These queries aggregate and summarize consumer data based on pertinent criteria such as age, gender, location, and shopping behaviors. Through this approach, the queries effectively extract and manipulate the requisite data for the purpose of customer segmentation.

Insights and Findings