🔎 Threat Hunter`s Collection (THC) resv - Threat-Hunters-Collection-THC stars - Threat-Hunters-Collection-THC forks - Threat-Hunters-Collection-THC GitHub release License issues - Threat-Hunters-Collection-THC

The Threat Hunter's Collection is a single PowerShell script that consolidates a diverse array of tools, a beginning to creating a comprehensive toolkit for cyber threat hunters.

This collection aims to simplify the threat hunting process by providing a single point of access to various tools, eliminating the need for tedious setup, sourcing downloads, or complex commands.

The toolkit promotes portability, allowing hunters to be creative—whether on a USB drive, as an email template, or CURL it from a repository for convenient and efficient threat hunting on the go. Explore the tools, contribute to the project, and enhance your threat hunting capabilities with the Threat Hunter's Collection.

✅ Features

  • Host Info - Enumerate host info + stdout to an exportable .txt File
  • Sysmon - Log system activity to the Windows Event Log
  • DeepBlueCLI - Hunt via Sysmon & Windows Event Logs
  • AutoRuns - Hunt for scheduled tasks and persistence.
  • ProcMon - Hunt file system, registry, & process/thread activity
  • ProcExp - Hunt DLLs Processes
  • TCPView - Hunt all TCP and UDP connections
  • AccessEnum - Hunt file system, registry, permissions security settings
  • WizTree - Hunt file structure

⚙️ How to Start

  1. Download the single THC powershell script (Optional: You can move the script to your desktop)

Step 1 Download

  1. Run a powershell terminal as administrator.

Step 2 OpenPS

  1. Traverse to your download folder or desktop (depending on where THC.ps1 is)

Step 3 Traverse to Directory

  1. Enable scripting by pasting this to your terminal (also found in the first line of the powershell script so you don't have to come here to copy pasta)

       powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file .\THC.ps1

Step 4a EnableScripting

  1. [Optional] You can unrestrict for repetitive usage, then run THC.ps1

       Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted


Step 4b EnableScripting

  • Don't forget to unrestrict when you leave

       Set-ExecutionPolicy restricted

Step 4c EnableScripting

  1. Hunt 😎

Step 4c EnableScripting

ℹ️ Things to note

To be added later.

Sysmon - requires a few policy adjustments: enable Audit Process Creation, go straight to the screenshots

  • This process will be automated in the next release

DeepBlueCLI - Aware of a few bugs

  • This is being worked on..

Please always exercise caution, use only if authorized.

😊 About Me

I'm a cybersecurity engineer for an primarily for the financial industry, along with many SMB clients.

Linkedin | Discord | GitHub | Email: adam@atomkim.com

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If you have any feedback for suggestions, bugs, or ideas please reach out at adam@atomkim.com