In order to have selenium tests run, we recommend placing them in the appropriate locations depending on what they are testing:
These two locations are called automatically with nose2
with github actions. To run them manually, see below.
In order to test workflows in a production setting, we have created a utility to do that. Specificaly, if a csv file containing test tasks is provided, then they will be run.
The required column headers is:
- test_id - this is the proteosafe task id to clone
- description - this is the description to be human readable
- regressioncountviews - this is the set of semicolon separated views that we will check for the total number of rows to be present
optional columns
- enable - 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled, if nothing is provided its enabled by default
An example can be found here.
Additionally, we have integrated this utility into github actions but can be called manually in this fashion:
python ./ --credential_username <username> --credential_password <password> --workflow_task_file test_tasks.tsv
where the utility can be found in testing-utilities.
We rely on the continuous integration from github actions. There are several steps you'll need to accomplish:
- Add a submodule to your repository that has a csv file described above to say which task ids you want to test
- Create a new yml file describing the new CI job for github actions. You can copy one from the .github/workflows folder and obey the naming convention
- Alter the path to the test_tasks.csv to yours
- Commit and push. It should be running once its gets into master
- Add badge to readme
We run the tests once every 24 hours. Additionally, we enable a way to manually enable all of them to run. This is used when there is new code that will want to be deployed. Please create a pull request and then only admins can lock and then unlock the conversation. This unlock operation triggers the workflows to run.
To manually run these tests, we will be using nose2. You will have to either:
- Create a Makefile.credentials file that includes CCMS_TESTUSER_USERNAME and CCMS_TESTUSER_PASSWORD
- Explicitly set the CCMS_TESTUSER_USERNAME and CCMS_TESTUSER_PASSWORD environment variables.
We will use the act program found here.
To simulate a push of commits to the repo (which will include Selenium and API tests), run this command:
make test-push
To run nearly everything (including workflow tests), run this command:
make test-schedule