Shoe Collection

Sample log in, use email: "" and password: "cb"'

Landing Page

Shoe Collection is an app to share your favorite shoes with friends. This is a decoupled PERN stack application with JWT token-based authentication. Users can create, edit, and delete shoes to the collection.

Click this link to visit the back-end repo

Technologies used

  • React App with the Vite tool
  • TypesScript
  • Express
  • Node.js
  • JWT token-based authentication
  • PostgreSQL with
  • Netlify for front-end deployment
  • for back-end deployment

Ice Box

[ ] Photo uploads as files [ ] Shoe ratings [ ] Responsive design


Shoe icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Sneakers icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Shoe icons created by Freepik - Flaticon