
OpenClassrooms - Parcours Développeur web - Projet 2 Transformez une maquette en site web

Primary LanguageHTML

Projet 2 - Transformez une maquette en site web

OpenClassrooms - Parcours développeur web

Project #2 - Turn Mock-ups Into a Web Pag
OpenClassrooms - Web developper training

Terms of the exercice

  • Make an HTML and CSS only prototype of the Reservia webpage.
  • Mockups are provided for both desktop and mobile versions of the website.
  • The prototype should be close to the mockups and responsive.
  • There should be hover animation on buttons.
  • The page should use flexbox and/or grid.

I also made the page accessible and usable using a keyboard or screen reader.

Link to the GitHub page


Comments and feedback

This exercice is part of my training to become a web developper.
Please do send me comments or feedback that could help me improve my skills and understanding of HTML, CSS and accessibility.