
OpenClassrooms - Parcours Développeur Web - Projet 5 : Construisez un site e-commerce

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project #5 - Build an eCommerce Website

Projet 5 - Construisez un site e-commerce
OpenClassrooms - Web developper training

Use the JavaScript programming language to interact with users and external services. Apply a test-driven approach to web development.

The Orinoco eCommerce website allow the user to add furnitures to its basket. After viewing its basket the user will be able to send a command request and receive confirmation.

How to test the app

Install the back end server

Run the app

Easy way

Go to this address: https://ccr-g.github.io/OC_5-Build_an_e-commerce_website/dist.

Local way

  • Clone this repo in your local server directory (using WAMP, XAMP, MAMP, Laragon, etc…).
  • Run your local server.
  • Open the distribution homepage (ex: localhost/orinoco/dist).

Edit the app

  • All changes should be made in the orinoco/src folder.
  • Run npm run build from inside the orinoco project.
  • The build is available in the orinoco/dist folder.

Comments and feedback

This exercice is part of my training to become a web developper.
Please do send me comments or feedback that could help me improve my skills and understanding of JavaScript, architecture, programming, WebPack, etc…