
Primary LanguageJava


This project's goal is to extract all dependencies header #Include in a given directory.

Includes parsing and reformatting of .ta files given by scrML and understand.

Benchmarks each extraction

how to run this project

how to run extraction


replace understand.ta with your raw.ta file from understand.

prepare before run include and srcML

  1. place gcc-12.2.0 folder in the ./
  • .....
  • src
  • gcc-12.2.0
  • ....
  1. install srcMl run following comment in the terminal
    srcml gcc-12.2.0 --verbose -o srcml_gcc.xml
    srcml --xpath "//cpp:include" srcml_gcc.xml > scrML_query_result.xml
    srcml --xpath "//src:call" srcml_gcc.xml > scrML_query_call_result.xml
    srcml --xpath "//src:function_decl" srcml_gcc.xml > scrML_query_decl_result.xml
    srcml --xpath "//src:decl" srcml_gcc.xml > scrML_query_var_decl_result.xml

save the result xmlfile in the ./ replace line1 of output xml to
<?xml version="1.0"?>
in order to make the parser run.


run ./DependencyExtraction/IncludeExtraction_srcML.java


run ./scrMLExtraction/srcMLExtraction.java

how to run benchmarking.

  1. sampling by with ./MethodBenchmarking/TApreprocess.java. it will choose all dependency from target files in the ground truth
  2. you will have local.ta file in ./LocalTA folder.
  3. run ./MethodBenchmarking/Benchmarking.java