
barebones graphic pdf viewer that works inside terminals that support inline graphics

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


termpdf is a barebones inline graphical PDF (and DJVU and TIF) viewer for terminals that support inline graphics.


On OS X, it works with iTerm 2.9 or later (so for the moment you will need to install the beta test release or a nightly build). On X11, it should kinda work with any terminal that supports inline images in the w3m browser (I have tested it on Ubuntu using xterm and urxvt). I do not know if it works in the framebuffer.

Pages are automatically sized to fit within the terminal window (or tmux pane). Other features include:

  • smart zoom (autocrop margins) (z)
  • vertical and horizontal split page views (s, v)
  • text search/text view (/[search], [count]n, [count]N, t)
  • vim-style navigation ([count]j,[count]k, [count]g, [count]G, gg, G, g'[mark]
  • extract range of pages to pdf ([count]y, yy, y'[mark]) or as text (YY, Y'[mark])
  • printing (p)

All of this works pretty well on iTerm2 (but see the known issues). It is still wonky on X11.

:q Installation

termpdf is a bash script. Put it somewhere in your path and make sure it has the appropriate permissions (i.e., chmod u+x termpdf).


  • w3m (for X11) or iTerm2 2.9 or greater (for OS X)
  • Ghostscript, ImageMagick, Poppler, pdfgrep, djvulibre, selecta

On OSX, install these via homebrew with

brew install gs imagemagick poppler pdfgrep djvulibre selecta

On Ubuntu, you will need to download selecta and put it in your path. Everything else can be installed via apt-get with

sudo apt-get install ghostscript imagemagick poppler-utils pdfgrep
djvulibre-bin w3m-img

w3mimgdisplay (X11 only)

When you install w3m with inline graphic support, it includes a helper program, w3mimgdisplay. But by default, this is not placed in your path. You need to find it and add it to your path, so termpdf can use it.

On my copy of Ubuntu, it is at /usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay. So I made a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay /usr/local/bin/w3mimgdisplay


$ termpdf [options] file [files...]

    -h or --help to get some help
    -t or --text to display text instead of images
    -n <number> to open the first document at a given page number.

File type is determined by extension ('pdf', 'djvu', 'tif', 'tiff', or 'png'). But any image files that Imagemagick can convert to png should be displayed.

While viewing a file, the default key commands are:

   [count]j     page back
   [count]k     page forward
   enter/space  page forward
   J/K:         previous document/next document
   [count]g:    go to page number [count]
   gg:          go to first page
   g'[mark]     go to page stored in [mark]
   G:           go to last page
   NNN:         go to page number NNN
   / <expr>     go to page with first match for <expr>
   m[mark]      store page in [mark]
   n:           go to next match for <expr>
   N:           go to previous match for <expr>
   r:           refresh display
   R:           reload document
   z:           toggle autocropped margins
   t:           toggle text/image display
   s:           split pages horizontally
   v:           split pages vertically
   p:           print document
   l:           toggle text pager 
   w:           wrap lines in text mode
   y:           yank page[s] and save as PDF
   Y:           yank page[s] as text to clipboard
   ?:           help
   q:           quit


Settings are at the beginning of the script. Set your print command and options (default: lp -o sides=two-sided-long-edge). Set your preferred text pagers (default: cat and less). Set your clipboard handler (default pbcopy, which will only work on OSX). Tweak the key commands as you see fit.

Known issues

X11 support is not very good. It seems like the w3mimgdisplay command is far more prone to break with incomplete png images(?) and so throws a lot more errors. Also, positioning images within tmux is very unreliable, and I don't understand how to clear images once drawn.

Various events, like resizing panes, can cause tmux to overwrite the displayed page. Use the 'refresh display' command (r) to fix this.

Sometimes, the script will display a page before it was finished converting, or try to display a page before it has been converted at all. Again, using the 'refresh display' command (r) should fix this.

Switching between vertical and horizontal splits causes problems because the implementation is poorly designed.


  • refactor command parsing to make it more consistently vim-like
  • add command-line mode
  • rewrite in real language (using ncurses?)