
The hot spot for fellowshipping with your code fellows.

How to Run

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Install gradle.
  3. Build the repo via ./gradlew build
  4. Run the server via .gradlew bootRun
  5. Open local server in the browser at localhost:8080.


Codefellowship 1.0 (Lab 16: CodeFellowship Profiles)

Build an app that allows users to create their profile on CodeFellowship.

Feature Tasks

-[X] The site should have a splash page at the root route (/) that contains basic information about the site, as well as a link to the “sign up” page. -[X] An ApplicationUser should have a username, password ( hashed using BCrypt), firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, bio, and any other fields you think are useful. -[X] The site should allow users to create an ApplicationUser on the “sign up” page. -[X] Your Controller should have an @Autowired private PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder; and use that to run passwordEncoder.encode(password) before saving the password into the new user. -[X] The site should have a page which allows viewing the data about a single ApplicationUser, at a route like /users/{id}. -[X] This should include a default profile picture, which is the same for every user, and their basic information. -[X] Using the above cheat sheet, add the ability for users to log in to your app. -[X] Upon logging in, users should be taken to a /myprofile route that displays their information. -[X] Ensure that your homepage, login, and registration routes are accessible to non-logged in users. All other routes should be limited to logged-in users. -[X] Ensure that user registration also logs users into your app automatically. -[ ] The site should be reasonably styled. (This can be using CSS that you did not create yourself.) -[ ] The site should contain integration testing. At a minimum, there should be tests to ensure basic functionality for the splash page and the sign up page.

Codefellowship 1.2 (Lab 17: Spring Authorization)

Today, you’ll add login to the CodeFellowship app, and allow users to create posts.

Feature Tasks

-[X] Using the above cheat sheet, add the ability for users to log in to your app. -[X] Upon logging in, users should be taken to a /myprofile route that displays their information. -[X] Ensure that your homepage, login, and registration routes are accessible to non-logged in users. All other routes should be limited to logged-in users. -[X] Ensure that user registration also logs users into your app automatically. -[X] Add a Post entity to your app. -[X] A Post has a body and a createdAt timestamp. -[ ] A logged-in user should be able to create a Post, and a post should belong to the user that created it. -[ ] A user’s posts should be visible on their profile page. -[ ] When a user is logged in, the app should display the user’s username on every page (probably in the heading).

Codefellowship 1.6 (Lab 18: Spring Security against User Input)

Continue working in your codefellowship repo.

Feature Tasks

-[X] Ensure that users can’t perform SQL injection or HTML injection with their posts. -[ ] Allow users to follow other users. Following a user means that their posts show up in the logged-in user’s feed, where they can see what all of their followed users have posted recently. -[X] Ensure there is some way (like a users index page) that a user can discover other users on the service. -[ ] On a user profile page that does NOT belong to the currently logged-in user, display a “Follow” button. When a user clicks that follow button, the logged-in user is now following the viewed-profile-page user. -[ ] note: this will require a self-join on ApplicationUsers. -[ ] A user can visit a url (like /feed) to view all of the posts from the users that they follow. -[ ] Each post should have a link to the user profile of the user who wrote the post.

Codefellowship 1.9 (Lab 19: Polish CodeFellowship)

Time to deploy the app!

Feature Tasks

-[ ] Deploy to AWS!