In C4, a program is a sequence of WORD-CODEs.
is a 16-bit unsigned number (0..65535).
Primitives are assigned numbers sequentially from 0 to BYE
If a WORD-CODE is less than or equal to BYE
, it is a primitive.
If the top 3 bits are set ($Exxx), it is a 13-bit unsigned literal (0-$1FFF).
If it is greater than BYE
, it is the code address of a word to execute.
is either 32-bits or 64-bits, depending on the target system.
- Linux 32-bit (-m32): a CELL is 32-bits.
- Linux 64-bit (-m64): a CELL is 64-bits.
- Windows 32-bit (x86): a CELL is 32-bits.
- Windows 64-bit (x64): a CELL is 64-bits.
- Development boards: a CELL is 32-bits.
C4 provides three memory areas:
- The
area can store up to $DFFF 16-bit WORD-CODEs, 16-bit index. (seecode-sz
).- NOTE: This is because word-code values $Exxx are considered to be literals (0 .. $1FFF).
- NOTE: CODE slots 0-25 (
0 @c .. 25 @c
) are reserved for C4 system values. - NOTE: CODE slots 25-75 (
25 @c
..75 @c
) are unused by C4. - NOTE: These are free for the application to use as desired.
- NOTE: Use
to get and set values in the code area.
- The
area can store up to CELL bytes, CELL index (seevars-sz
). - The
area can store up to 65536 bytes, 16-bit index (seedict-sz
). here
is an offset into the code area.vhere
is an offset into the vars area.last
is an offset into the dict area.- Use
, and->dict
to turn an offset into an address.
(sp) | (--N) | Offset of the parameter stack pointer |
(rsp) | (--N) | Offset of the return stack pointer |
(here) | (--N) | Offset of the HERE variable |
(last) | (--N) | Offset of the LAST variable |
base | (--N) | Offset of the BASE variable |
state | (--N) | Offset of the STATE variable |
(lex) | (--N) | Offset of the LEX (the current lexicon) |
(lsp) | (--N) | Offset of the loop stack pointer |
(tsp) | (--N) | Offset of the third stack pointer |
(reg-base) | (--N) | Offset of the register base |
(frame-sz) | (--N) | Offset of the frame-sz value |
Strings in C4 are both counted and NULL terminated.
C4 also supports NULL-terminated strings with no count byte (ztype).
Similar to the printf() function in C, C4 supports formatted output using '%'.
For example : ascii dup dup dup ." char %c, decimal #%d, binary: %%%b, hex: $%x%n" ;
Format | Stack | Description |
%b | (N--) | Print TOS in base 2. |
%c | (N--) | EMIT TOS. |
%d | (N--) | Print TOS in base 10. |
%e | (--) | EMIT escape (#27). |
%i | (N--) | Print TOS in the current base. |
%n | (--) | Print CR/LF (13/10). |
%q | (--) | EMIT " (#34). |
%s | (A--) | Print TOS as a string (uncounted, formatted). |
%S | (A--) | Print TOS as a string (uncounted, unformatted). |
%x | (N--) | Print TOS in base 16. |
%[x] | (--) | EMIT [x]. |
C4 includes an array of "registers" (pre-defined cells).
The number of registers is configurable (see reg-sz
). Default is 255 on PCs.
There is a reg-base
that can be used to provide a "stack frame" if desired.
You can create words to reference them frame-sz
at a time in a pseudo "stack frame".
Or you can leave reg-base
at 0, and reference them individually.
For example: 123 42 reg-s
Use frame-sz
to control stack frame size. Default is 5.
The default bootstrap file creates 5 "registers" for stack frame (see a>, s>, d>, x>, and y>).
C4 provides 8 words to manage C4 registers. They are:
+regs |
(--) | Create new frame; add frame-sz to reg-base . |
-regs |
(--) | Destroy frame; subtract frame-sz from reg-base . |
reg-r |
(R--N) | Push register (R + reg-base ). |
reg-s |
(N R--) | Set register (R + reg-base ) to N. |
reg-i |
(R--) | Increment register (R + reg-base ). |
reg-d |
(R--) | Decrement register (R + reg-base ). |
reg-ri |
(R--N) | Push register (R + reg-base ), then increment it. |
reg-rd |
(R--N) | Push register (R + reg-base ), then decrement it. |
C4 includes a third stack, with same ops as the return stack. (>t
, t@
, t>
The size of the third stack is configurable (see tstk-sz
This third stack can be used for any purpose. Words are:
>t |
(N--) | Move N to the third stack. |
t@ |
(--N) | Copy TOS from the third stack. |
t> |
(--N) | Move N from the third stack. |
To add custom primitives, fill in macro USER_PRIMS
with X() macros in file c4.cpp
Stack effect notation conventions:
SZ/NM/MD | String, uncounted, NULL terminated |
SC/D/S | String, counted, NULL terminated |
A | Address |
C | Number, 8-bits |
W | Number, 16-bits |
N/X/Y | Number, CELL sized |
F | Flag: 0 mean0 false, <>0 means true |
R | Register number |
FH | File handle: 0 means no file |
I | For loop index counter |
The primitives:
(lit1) | (--W) | W: WORD-CODE for LIT1 primitive |
(lit2) | (--W) | W: WORD-CODE for LIT2 primitive |
(jmp) | (--W) | W: WORD-CODE for JMP primitive |
(jmpz) | (--W) | W: WORD-CODE for JMPZ primitive |
(jmpnz) | (--W) | W: WORD-CODE for JMPNZ primitive |
(njmpz) | (--W) | W: WORD-CODE for NJMPZ primitive |
(njmpnz) | (--W) | W: WORD-CODE for NJMPNZ primitive |
(exit) | (--W) | W: WORD-CODE for EXIT primitive |
exit | (--) | EXIT word |
dup | (X--X X) | Duplicate TOS (Top-Of-Stack) |
swap | (X Y--Y X) | Swap TOS and NOS (Next-On-Stack) |
drop | (N--) | Drop TOS |
over | (N X--N X N) | Push NOS |
@ | (A--N) | N: the CELL at absolute address A |
c@ | (A--C) | C: the CHAR at absolute address A |
w@ | (A--W) | W: the WORD at absolute address A |
! | (N A--) | Store CELL N to absolute address A |
c! | (C A--) | Store CHAR C to absolute address A |
w! | (W A--) | Store WORD W to absolute address A |
+ | (X Y--N) | N: X + Y |
- | (X Y--N) | N: X - Y |
* | (X Y--N) | N: X * Y |
/ | (X Y--N) | N: X / Y (integer division) |
/mod | (X Y--M Q) | M: X modulo Y, Q: quotient of X / Y |
1+ | (X--Y) | Increment TOS |
1- | (X--Y) | Decrement TOS |
< | (X Y--F) | F: 1 if (X < Y), else 0 |
= | (X Y--F) | F: 1 if (X = Y), else 0 |
> | (X Y--F) | F: 1 if (X > Y), else 0 |
0= | (N--F) | F: 1 if (N=0), else 0 |
and | (X Y--N) | N: X AND Y |
or | (X Y--N) | N: X OR Y |
xor | (X Y--N) | N: X XOR Y |
com | (X--Y) | Y: X with all bits flipped (complement) |
for | (N--) | Begin FOR loop with bounds 0 and N. |
i | (--I) | N: Current FOR loop index. |
next | (--) | Increment I. If I < N, start loop again, else exit. |
unloop | (--) | Unwind the loop stack. NOTE: this does NOT exit the loop. |
+regs | (--) | Increment reg-base by frame-sz |
-regs | (--) | Decrement reg-base by frame-sz |
reg-r | (R--N) | Push register (reg-base +R) |
reg-s | (N R--) | Set register (reg-base +R) to N |
reg-i | (R--) | Increment register (reg-base +R) |
reg-d | (R--) | Decrement register (reg-base +R) |
reg-ri | (R--N) | Push register (reg-base +R), then increment it |
reg-rd | (R--N) | Push register (reg-base +R), then decrement it |
>r | (N--R:N) | Move TOS to the return stack |
r@ | (--N) | N: return stack TOS |
r! | (N--) | Set return stack TOS to N |
r> | (R:N--N) | Move return TOS to the stack |
rdrop | (R:N--) | Drop return stack TOS |
>t | (N--T:N) | Move TOS to the third stack |
t@ | (--N) | N: third stack TOS |
t! | (N--) | Set third stack TOS to N |
t> | (T:N--N) | Move third TOS to the stack |
emit | (C--) | Output char C |
: | (--) | Create a new word, set STATE=1 |
; | (--) | Compile EXIT, set STATE=0 |
immediate | (--) | Mark the last created word as IMMEDIATE |
addword | (--) | -COMPILE: Add the next word to the dictionary |
(--A) | -RUN: A: current VHERE address | |
timer | (--N) | N: Current time |
see X | (--) | Output the definition of word X |
count | (SC--A N) | A,N: address and count of chars in string SC |
type | (A N--) | Print string at A (counted, unformatted) |
ztype | (SZ--) | Print string at SZ (uncounted, unformatted) |
ftype | (SZ--) | Print string at SZ (uncounted, formatted) |
s-cpy | (D S--D) | Copy string S to D, counted |
s-eq | (D S--F) | F: 1 if string S is equal to D (case sensitive) |
s-eqi | (D S--F) | F: 1 if string S is equal to D (NOT case sensitive) |
z" | (--) | -COMPILE: Create uncounted string SZ to next " |
(--SZ) | -RUN: push address SZ of string | |
s" | (--) | -COMPILE: Create counted string SC to next " |
(--SC) | -RUN: push address SC of string | |
." | (--) | -COMPILE: execute z" , compile ftype |
(--) | -RUN: ftype on string |
rand | (--N) | N: a pseudo-random number (uses XOR shift) |
fopen | (NM MD--FH) | NM: File Name, MD: Mode, FH: File Handle (0 if error/not found) |
NOTE: NM and MD are uncounted, use z" |
fclose | (FH--) | FH: File Handle to close |
fdelete | (NM--) | NM: File Name to delere |
fread | (A N FH--X) | A: Buffer, N: Size, FH: File Handle, X: num chars read |
fwrite | (A N FH--X) | A: Buffer, N: Size, FH: File Handle, X: num chars written |
fgets | (A N FH--X) | A: Buffer, N: Size, X: num chars read (0 if EOF/Error) |
include X | (--) | Load file named X (X: next word) |
load | (N--) | N: Block number to load (file named "block-NNN.c4") |
loaded? | (W A--) | Stops current load if A <> 0 (see find ) |
to-string | (N--SC) | Convert N to string SC in the current BASE |
.s | (--) | Display the stack |
@c | (N--W) | Fetch unsigned 16-bit W from CODE slot N |
!c | (W N--) | Store unsigned 16-bit W to CODE slot N |
find | (--W A) | W: Execution Token, A: Dict Entry address (0 0 if not found) |
system | (SC--) | PC ONLY: SC: String to send to system() |
bye | (--) | PC ONLY: Exit C4 |
Default words are defined in sys_load()
, in file sys-load.cpp
To add default words, add more calls to outer()