
This repository provides tool templates for malaria focused health facility surveys.

Malaria_Branch Repository

This repository contains tools developed for activities routinely performed in malaria-endemic countries in inform programmatic decisions. These are broadly divided into therapeutic efficacy studies (TES folder) and health facility surveys (HFS folder).

Malaria Health Facility Surveys (HFS)


This folder contains tools developed in conjunction with the study protocol “Assessment of Malaria Case Management in Health Facility Surveys”. The survey is designed to be used in malaria-endemic areas to assess health facility readiness to treat malaria, health care provider knowledge and attitudes pertaining to malaria case management, health care provider compliance with national treatment guidelines, and key parasite molecular characteristics. These tools are generic general starting points and can be modified as needed for country/area-specific contexts. See the published protocol for more information.

How to Use

There are five data collection tools available in ODK-readable .xlsx files. These files can be used as data collection tools to gather information from/about the heads of health facilities (headofHF_generic.xlsx), healthcare workers (health_care_worker_generic.xlsx), patient participants (exitinterview_generic.xlsx), malaria commodity stocks (inventory_generic.xlsx), and health facilities registers (register_generic.xlsx). When used with digital data collection software based on ODK, such as Survey CTO or KoboToolbox, these files encode survey questions (available in English, French, and Portuguese), appropriate skip patterns, data entry restrictions, and variable names.

To download, click the link for the desired survey above and the download button that appears in the upper right corner in the screen that follows.


Once downloaded, questionnaires can be edited as needed and tested at https://getodk.org/xlsform/. Note that each xlsx file has multiple tabs, with question wording and variable names in the “survey” tab and choices for multiple choice questions in the “options” tab. The tools provided in this repository are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or of the United States President’s Malaria Initiative.


Questions and comments can be directed to Dean Sayre at omp2@cdc.gov

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