Teardown - WIP, Come back when it is finished

Overview CONTROL_PCB_Back What look like pads on the back are actully just thermal, all are connected to GND Pinout of Light - ESP32 interface The Chinese is just the wire colours, not very helpful Here are the modes and voltages to GND 0% Cool Warm Yellow 0.0 0.1 0.2 White 12.3 22.7 20.8 Blue 12.7 22.8 12.3 Brown 0.0 0.1 0.0 Black 12.3 12.3 12.3 Red 8.7 7.7 21.7 CONTROL_PCB_Front Probe Points: + & TP7 -> 3V3 - & TP8-> GND TX -> TX(ESP32) RX -> RX(ESP32) (pad next to Q3 and C37) -> IO0

Wireless Charging Board