This library is part of the Merritt Preservation System.
This code is a python wrapper that processes a list of related GitHub repos and tags them with a sprint number.
The Merritt team uses this code to apply consistent tagging across 20+ repositories.
- Python3
- pip3 install pyyaml
- pip3 install python_dateutil
- A list of repositories to publish (SSH path)
- Create an ssh key for github: github_rsa/
- Upload to your GitHub SSH keys
- Modify ~/.ssh/config
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_rsa
- You must have contributor rights in these repositories
If you run the command repeatedly, you can prevent the re-cloning of content with the --no-clone
Tag all repos with a sprint number.
- --date Retroactively tag based on a date
- --since Generate a report of changes since TAG
Tag mrt-doc repos with deployment release.
- --since Generate a report of changes since TAG
Generate a report of changes since TAG
- --until TAG stop report at TAG
Delete a tag that was created by the tool.