Simple tool to catch & register domains - also working with RoTLD API (Romania Top Level Domain) and/or others API.
- I'd love to hear from anyone using my little code on their boxens, mail me and tell me how you like it! 😃
- "-s 1.2.3.{}" - IP range-ul tau, previne ban-ul catre WHOIS Server sau in caz contrar poate fi sters impreuna cu randinit.
- "cmd = curl" - URL-ul catre API-ul de inregistrare.
- "time.sleep" - rapid/slow.
- ..inrest ? am adaugat in plus.. ce incetineste procesul, daca cunosti Linux iti vei da seama, daca nu RTFM. 👍 😃
NU ne asumam nicio responsabilitate, este doar educativ, il vei folosi pe propria ta raspundere, licentiat: GNU Free Software.
Sayonara skiddies! 😈