
Intel BIOS Guard Script Tool

Primary LanguagePython

BIOS Guard Script tool

The tool allows you to assemble and disassemble BIOS Guard script.


To assemble a script, you need to use big-script-tool.py -a <script_file>. Assembled script will be saved to file <script_file>_assembled.bin.

Also you can use class BigScript directly:

script = BigScript(code_string=src)


script = BigScript()


The operands are:

  • buffers
  • flash pointers
  • registers
  • immediate values
  • labels

Buffers: buffer<number_of_the_buffer> (or b<number_of_the_buffer>). Storages of the data. buffer0 points to the actual BGUP. Other buffers are temporal.

set b0 0xAA00
add b0 0x1

Flash pointers: flash<number_of_the_flash_ptr> (or f<number_of_the_flash_ptr>). Stores some linear address of the flash.

set f0 0xA00000
sub f0 0x10

Registers: r<number_of_the_register> - a little storage of the temporal data.

set r1 0x10
set r2 0x20
add r1 r2
and r1 0x30

Imm values: <number> or 0x<number> if you prefer to use hex. Please note, that hex numbers are start only with 0x prefix. If you write something like 10000h it will be interpreted as a decimal number.

Labels: _<name_of_the_label> - an arbitrary script line name. Can be used only in control flow instructions. Please note, that labels start with _ and must not end with symbols like :. If you use that symbol, you will need to refer to the label like jmp _label:.

  sub r1 r2
  cmp r1 0x0
  jne _loop


Opcode name Operands Info
start - marks the start of the script
store flash ptr, buffer, register write data from a buffer to the flash
store flash ptr, buffer, immediate value write data from a buffer to the flash
load buffer, flash ptr, register read data from the flash to the buffer
load buffer, flash ptr, immediate value read data from the flash to the buffer
eraseblk flash ptr Erase flash blk
eraseblk64kb flash ptr Erase 64kb flash block
add register, register
add register, immediate value
add buffer, register
add buffer, immediate value
add flash ptr, register
add flash ptr, immediate value
sub register, register
sub register, immediate value
sub buffer, register
sub buffer, immediate value
sub flash ptr, register
sub flash ptr, immediate value
and register, register
and register, immediate value
or register, register
or register, immediate value
shr register, immediate value
shl register, immediate value
ror register, immediate value
rol register, immediate value
set register, register
set register, immediate value
set buffer, register Set an offset from the beggining of the buffer
set buffer, immediate value Set an offset from the beggining of the buffer
set flash ptr, register Set a linear address of the flash
set flash ptr, immediate value Set a linear address of the flash
loadbyte register, buffer
loadword register, buffer
loaddword register, buffer
storebyte buffer, register
storeword buffer, register
storedword buffer, register
cmp register, register
cmp register, immediate value
cmp buffer, register
cmp buffer, immediate value
cmp flash ptr, register
cmp flash ptr, immediate value
cmp buffer, buffer, register Compare buffers with specified length
cmp buffer, buffer, immediate value Compare buffers with specified length
copy buffer, buffer, register Copy data with the specified length
copy buffer, buffer, immediate value Copy data with the specified length
jmp label (or imm) Uncoditional jump to the label. Also you can use a line number directly.
je label (or imm) Coditional jump to the label. Also you can use a line number directly.
jne label(or imm) Coditional jump to the label. Also you can use a line number directly.
jg label (or imm) Coditional jump to the label. Also you can use a line number directly.
jge label (or imm) Coditional jump to the label. Also you can use a line number directly.
jl label (or imm) Coditional jump to the label. Also you can use a line number directly.
jle label (or imm) Coditional jump to the label. Also you can use a line number directly.
jmp register Uncoditional jump to the line number stored in register.
log immediate value, register Write data from second operand to the BiG Log. The BiG log needs to be setup properly.
log immediate value, immediate value Write data from second operand to the BiG Log. The BiG log needs to be setup properly.
rdsts register Read status of previous operation into register.
rand register
sleep immediate value
end -


To disassemble a script, you need to use big-script-tool.py -d <script_file>. Disassembled script will be saved to file <script_file>_disassembled.txt.

Also you can use class BigScript directly:

script = BigScript(code_bytes=bin_script)


script = BigScript()