A physics-based solar farm simulator.

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Welcome to PVMAPS Beta


PVMAPS lets you simulate the energy yield potential of solar farms anywhere in the world.

Current version supports the following solar farm configurations: (i) systems with fixed-tilted c-Si monofacial and (ii) systems with vertical bifacial modules with ground-sculpting.

The simulator requires MATLAB (version > 2016a) to be installed on your computer.

For an example of how to use the simulator, open the 'run_singleLocation.mlx' in this folder with MATLAB.

For theory underlying the code is discussed in “Principles of Solar Cells: Connecting Perspectives on Device, System, Reliability, and Data Science” by Professor Alam and Khan (https://doi.org/10.1142/12139).

Also see:

  • Khan, M. R., Hanna, A., Sun, X., & Alam, M. A. (2017). Vertical bifacial solar farms: Physics, design, and global optimization. Applied energy, 206, 240-248. Patel, M. T.
  • Khan, M. R., Sun, X., & Alam, M. A. (2019). A worldwide cost-based design and optimization of tilted bifacial solar farms. Applied Energy, 247, 467-479.

If you have any questions, please email to jabir@purdue.edu. If you you would like to report an issue, please also attach a screenshot of the MATLAB's Command Window when the issue occured.