
security tool for DDOS attack on SSH BOT management for distributed attacks.

Primary LanguagePython




The B1tifi is a security tool for DDOS attack on SSH BOT management for distributed attacks.


  • python 2.7
git clone https://github.com/mh4x0f/b1tifi.git
cd b1tifi
python setup.py install
mh4x0f@0xfl4bs:~# b1tifi

  ___   _          _
 / _ \ / |        | |
| |_) )- |___ _  _| |_  _
|  _ < | (   ) |/     \| |
| |_) )| || || ( (| |) ) |
|  __/ |_| \_)\_)_   _/ \_)
| |               | |
|_|               |_|

    Version: 1.3.2
    Author:  Marcos Nesster (@mh4x0f)

b1tifi:: help

[*] Available Commands:

    Commands     Description
    --------     -----------
    agents       list all agents in interacting
    check        test all agents login ssh  
    clear        clean up the line
    del          delete bot using <id>/all
    execute      execute command on agents
    exit         exit the program.
    help         show this help
    interact     interact with one/all agents
    jobs         list/kill jobs running on agents
    list         list/check/filter list agents on database
    register     add bot on database
    sysinfo      print information session on agents
    update       find newer versions

